Seedtrace macht komplette Nussmus-Linie bis zum Ursprung rückverfolgbar: Transparenzprojekt mit Bio-Pionier Davert
KonsumentInnen können die Reise der Zutaten per QR-Code auf der Verpackung oder auf digitalen Kanälen nachvollziehen. Die Einführung erfolgt im Davert Online-Shop sowie deutschlandweit in Handelsketten wie dm, REWE, Kaufland und Denns BioMarkt.
Wertschöpfungskette als Wettbewerbsfaktor
Da soziale und ökologische Auswirkungen in der Wertschöpfungskette zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnen, setzt Midsona, das Unternehmen hinter Davert, ein starkes Zeichen für den Handel. Laut einer Capgemini-Studie (2023) erkennen 86 Prozent der Konsumgüter- und Handelsunternehmen, dass verantwortungsbewusste Beschaffung ein entscheidender Wettbewerbsvorteil ist – signifikant mehr als im Jahr 2020 (69 Prozent). Die Grundvoraussetzung dafür ist Transparenz.
Belegbare Nachhaltigkeit in der Lieferkette
Mit Seedtrace sammelt, digitalisiert und analysiert Midsona Lieferketteninformationen und Nachhaltigkeitsdaten und kann sie gezielt an nachgelagerte Akteure weiterreichen. Das Tracing-Projekt startete mit den Lieferketten-Mappings von 15 Rohstoffen für die Nussmus-Produkte. Dabei wurden die einzelnen Verarbeitungsschritte von der Ernte bis zur Herstellung des finalen Produkts erfasst und mit relevanten Nachhaltigkeitsdaten vom Ursprung angereichert, um soziale und ökologische Kriterien wie z. B. faire Bezahlung mit existenzsichernden Löhnen und Entwaldungsrisiken messbar zu machen. Für die Hauptzutaten Mandeln, Cashews und Erdnüsse wurden dynamische Daten auf Chargen-Ebene erfasst.
“Dass wir mit Midsona eine derart tiefgreifende Sichtbarkeit in der Lieferkette herstellen konnten und den Impact jedes einzelnen Einkaufs bei den Lieferanten nachvollziehbar gemacht haben, ist ein echter Meilenstein für die Lebensmittelbranche. Diese wichtige Transparenz und Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Akteuren bietet die Grundlage für bewusste Sourcing-Entscheidungen und die Daten für sämtliche Reporting-Anforderungen im CSR- und Compliance-Bereich”, erklärt Ana Selina Haberbosch, CEO und Gründerin von Seedtrace.
Daverts Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit
Mit der Initiative "Exploring the Origin" reagiert Midsona auf das wachsende Bedürfnis der Geschäftspartner und KonsumentInnen, mehr über die Herkunft der Rohstoffe zu erfahren und lädt sie auf eine interaktive Produktreise ein, in der die Lieferketten verständlich und transparent – vom Ursprung bis ins Werk in Ascheberg – dargestellt werden.
Heiko Hintze, Geschäftsführer/CEO bei Midsona, kommentiert: ”Wir sind überzeugt, dass eine nachhaltige Entwicklung nur durch Produkttransparenz erreicht werden kann. Deshalb bringen wir den Einsatz von First-Mile-Daten und Rückverfolgbarkeit auf ein neues Level und setzen wichtige Impulse im Handel, die über Zertifizierungen hinausgehen. Unsere Lieferanten begrüßen die Initiative, denn auch sie bemerken die gestiegene Nachfrage nach Datensammlung und Transparenz."
Hintergrund und Ausblick
Das Projekt schließt an eine Kooperation mit dem Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ), der Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) und sequa an. Seedtrace untersuchte die Lieferketten mehrerer Mittelständler hinsichtlich Risiken und Vorbereitung auf das Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG). Mit der Motivation, tiefer in die Lieferkette zu schauen und mehr Verantwortung zu übernehmen, unterzeichneten Midsona und vier strategischen Lieferanten im Februar 2024 auf der BioFach Messe ein Transparency Commitment. Ein halbes Jahr später ist bereits die erste Produktlinie rückverfolgbar. Die Einführung markiert den Beginn eines kontinuierlichen Engagements. Bis Ende des Jahres folgen zwei weitere Produkte.
Über Davert
Mit 40 Jahren Naturkosterfahrung steht Davert nicht nur für kreative Bio-Innovationen ganz ohne Firlefanz, sondern auch für den kontrolliert biologischen Anbau, die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung der Verarbeitungsverfahren, für Transparenz, sorgfältige Kontrolle jeden Abschnitts und garantiert ökologische Produkte – vom Anbau bis zur Verpackung. Genuss in bester Bio-Qualität steckt in jedem Produkt des breiten Sortiments aus Reis, Hülsenfrüchten und Getreideprodukten sowie Nussmusen und Schoko-Aufstrichen bis hin zu Erbsenproteinprodukten. Mit den Kochbeutelprodukten, Suppen-, Pfannen-und Convenience-Gerichten liefert der Bio-Hersteller frische und leckere Ideen für die kreative Küche.
Über Seedtrace
Mit Seedtrace können Unternehmen relevante Nachhaltigkeitsdaten von Lebensmittel-Lieferketten erfassen, digitalisieren und analysieren. Dank eines ganzheitlichen Ansatzes fördert die End-to-End-Plattform die Zusammenarbeit sämtlicher Akteure der Lieferkette und macht die Daten für alle relevanten Stakeholder zugänglich, insbesondere für Berichts- und Compliance-Anforderungen. Primärdaten vom Ursprung stehen dabei im Fokus der Anwendung.
Doctolib übernimmt und erweitert sein Angebot um einen KI-basierten Telefonassistenten
- Mit der neuen Funktion entlastet Doctolib Ärzt:innen und Praxispersonal nun auch bei der Beantwortung von Telefonanrufen und bietet Patient:innen rund um die Uhr telefonischen Zugang zu Arztpraxen
- Als führendes europäisches Healthtech-Unternehmen investiert Doctolib strategisch in Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) und Produktinnovationen, um den Bedürfnissen der Praxisteams gerecht zu werden und allen Patient:innen den Zugang zur Gesundheitsversorgung zu erleichtern
- Die Übernahme des Unternehmens aus Berlin ist ein Meilenstein für Doctolib in Deutschland und erweitert das Produktangebot in einem seiner wichtigsten Wachstumsmärkte
Berlin, 22.05.2024 – Doctolib, das führende Healthtech-Unternehmen in Europa, gibt heute die Übernahme des Berliner Unternehmens bekannt, das derzeit in Deutschland marktführend für KI-basierte Telefonassistenzlösungen für Arztpraxen ist.
Doctolib integriert Aaron.ais KI-Lösung in seine Praxissoftware und schafft damit Abhilfe bei einer zentralen Herausforderung für Arztpraxen: Telefonanrufe, die im Schnitt einen Zeitaufwand von 45 Stunden im Monat bedeuten. Zeit, die künftig für medizinische Leistungen, anstatt für administrative Prozesse eingesetzt werden kann. Nach der Integration von können Patient:innen über Doctolib nicht nur rund um die Uhr Arzttermine online oder per App buchen, sie können auch telefonisch Anfragen zur Terminvereinbarung, -verschiebung oder -absage stellen – ohne Zeit in der Warteschleife zu verbringen. Doctolib erweitert sein Produktangebot und stärkt durch die Investition seine Präsenz in Deutschland.
KI entlastet Praxisteams und verbessert Zugang zum Gesundheitswesen
Im Gesundheitswesen wird ein Großteil der Anfragen von Patient:innen noch telefonisch bearbeitet, manchmal erst nach mehreren Anrufen oder viel Zeit in der Warteschleife. Das betrifft Terminbuchungen und -verschiebungen genauso wie die Ausstellung von Rezepten, den Dokumentenaustausch sowie Zahlungsabwicklungen. hat einen KITelefonassistenten entwickelt, der Praxisteams dabei unterstützt, die Kommunikation mit Patient:innen via Telefon zu vereinfachen und zu verbessern. Gleichzeitig profitieren Patient:innen von mehr Flexibilität und rund um die Uhr telefonischem Zugang zur Praxis, auch jenseits der Sprechstunden.
Die KI-gestützte SaaS-Lösung von wurde bereits 2015 in Kooperation mit der Humboldt-Innovation GmbH, einer Tochtergesellschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, und internationalen Wissenschaftlern, die im Bereich KI und Sprachtechnologie führend sind, entwickelt und wird seither kontinuierlich erweitert. Das Unternehmen blickt auf eine lange Erfolgsgeschichte und eine zufriedene, loyale und stetig anwachsende Basis von Kund:innen und Patient:innen.
In Deutschland wird ein Großteil der Arzttermine telefonisch vereinbart. Pro Arzt oder Ärztin nehmen medizinische Fachangestellte (MFAs) monatlich bis zu 1.000 Telefonanrufe entgegen. Im Durchschnitt verbringt eine Arztpraxis in Deutschland jeden Monat 45 Stunden mit der Bearbeitung von Telefonanrufen – mit einer Steigerung von bis zu 20 Prozent in der Grippesaison. Die hohe Anzahl eingehender Anrufe ist nicht nur ein Stressfaktor für das medizinische Personal in der Praxis, sie führt auch zu langen Wartezeiten für die Patient:innen: Im Durchschnitt sind Arztpraxen in Deutschland für drei von vier Patient:innen telefonisch nicht erreichbar.
Aaron.ais KI-Lösung wird derzeit von mehr als 3.500 Behandlern in Deutschland eingesetzt. Durch die Integration des KI-basierten Telefonassistenten erweitert Doctolib sein Produktangebot und stellt Ärzt:innen einen zusätzlichen Kommunikationskanal mit ihren Patient:innen bereit. Damit profitieren künftig auch diejenigen Patient:innen, die keine Apps nutzen und lieber zum Telefon greifen. Insgesamt verbessert Doctolib dadurch die gesamte Arzt-Patienten-Beziehung.
KI im Fokus der Produktentwicklung
Seit zehn Jahren investiert Doctolib in technologische Innovationen, um mit cloudbasierten Lösungen den Arbeitsalltag von Ärzt:innen und ihren Praxisteams zu erleichtern und gleichzeitig für alle Menschen den Zugang zur Gesundheitsversorgung zu verbessern.
Mit der Integration von macht Doctolib einen großen Schritt beim Einsatz KI-basierter Technologien für die Gesundheitsbranche. Die Übernahme ist Teil der Produktentwicklungsstrategie des Unternehmens. Im Laufe dieses und des nächsten Jahres sollen vier KI- und LLM-basierte (Large Language Model) Lösungen entwickelt werden und auf den Markt kommen. Bei diesen neuen Produkten handelt es sich um einen Beratungsassistenten, einen Telefonassistenten, einen persönlichen Assistenten sowie einen Finanzassistenten. Alle Anwendungen werden Gesundheitsfachkräfte in ihrer täglichen Arbeit unterstützen – vor, während und nach ihren Gesprächen mit Patient:innen.
Doctolibs Investition in Deutschland
Als größter Gesundheitsmarkt in Europa ist Deutschland für Doctolib von zentraler Bedeutung: Sieben Jahre nach Markteintritt nutzen derzeit über 20 Millionen Patient:innen und mehr als 200.000 Gesundheitsfachkräfte (Haus- und Fachärzt:innen & MFAs) Doctolib. Die Übernahme von markiert einen weiteren wichtigen Meilenstein auf Doctolibs Innovations- und Wachstumskurs.
Als Healthtech-Unternehmen bringt Doctolib Patient:innen und Ärzt:innen zusammen. Über die Doctolib-App können Patient:innen für sich und Familienmitglieder schnell und einfach Termine in Arztpraxen, Krankenhäusern und anderen Gesundheitseinrichtungen buchen und sich so besser um ihre Gesundheit kümmern. Ärzt:innen und Praxisteams können mit ihren Patient:innen via Telemedizin oder Messenger-Funktion kommunizieren und sich unmittelbar mit Kolleg:innen innerhalb und außerhalb der eigenen Praxis austauschen.
In Deutschland beschäftigt Doctolib mehr als 750 Mitarbeitende in 12 Städten.
Nikolay Kolev, Managing Director Deutschland und Mitglied des globalen Vorstands von Doctolib:
„Doctolib arbeitet kontinuierlich an Produktinnovationen, um Ärzt:innen, Praxisteams und Patient:innen die besten technologiebasierten Lösungen zu bieten. Deshalb investieren wir derzeit in den Ausbau unserer KI-Technologiekompetenz und werden noch in diesem Jahr unsere eigenen KI-basierten Lösungen auf den Markt bringen. Die Übernahme von ist Teil dieser Strategie und steht im Einklang mit unserem Engagement, unser Angebot in Deutschland entsprechend den Anforderungen der Ärzt:innen und Patient:innen weiter auszubauen.“
Tobias Wagenführer, CEO von
„Doctolib und teilen die klare Vision, gesundheitliche Versorgung für jeden Menschen zugänglicher zu machen. Die Integration unseres Produktes in die Lösungen von Doctolib stellt einen wichtigen Schritt auf unserem Weg dar. Denn jetzt können wir noch mehr Praxisteams in ihrer täglichen Arbeit entlasten.”
Dr. med. Julia Mayer-Wick, Inhaberin der Hausarztpraxis
„Seit dem ersten Tag entlastet Aaron mein Team am Telefon. Nun herrscht Ruhe in der Praxis, und meine Mitarbeitenden sind nicht mehr gestresst. ermöglicht es uns am Telefon, sofort diejenigen Patient:innen zu identifizieren, die dringend Hilfe benötigen. Dies ist entscheidend, um eine optimale Erreichbarkeit zu gewährleisten und gleichzeitig das Wohlbefinden unserer Mitarbeitenden zu sichern und neue Mitarbeitende zu gewinnen.”
Nach der Übernahme wird das weiterhin in Berlin ansässig sein. Doctolib wird die Technologie von zu Beginn des nächsten Jahres in seine bestehende Lösung einbinden. In der Zwischenzeit wird als eigenständige Lösung auf dem Markt bleiben.
Über Doctolib
Seit 2013 hat sich Doctolib einem einzigen Ziel verschrieben: Die Gesundheitsversorgung zu schaffen, von der wir alle träumen, gemeinsam mit Pflegekräften und Patient:innen. Doctolib unterstützt 390.000 Ärzt:innen mit innovativen Technologien und erleichtert ihren Arbeitsalltag. Darüber hinaus hilft das Unternehmen 80 Millionen Menschen in ganz Europa, gesünder zu leben und ihre Gesundheitsversorgung auf sichere und vertrauliche Art und Weise zu organisieren. Mit 2.800 Mitarbeitenden ist Doctolib in mehr als 30 Städten in Frankreich, Deutschland, Italien und den Niederlanden für das Gesundheitswesen tätig.
Das 2015 gegründete und in Berlin ansässige KI-Health-Tech-Unternehmen verfolgt die Vision, Gesundheitsversorgung für Menschen allen Alters einfach zugänglich zu machen. Das Unternehmen bietet dazu Arztpraxen einen digitalen Telefonassistenten namens Aaron an. Über 3.500 Ärzt*innen in Deutschland nutzen die KI-Technologie bereits, um das Praxis-Team am Telefon zu entlasten und die Erreichbarkeit für Patient*innen am Telefon rund um die Uhr sicherzustellen.
Futury Capital invests in Particula - the rating platform for digital assets
Futury Capital invests in Particula - the rating platform for digital assets
Frankfurt, Germany - [18.03.2024] - Particula GmbH receives funding from Futury Capital, a Frankfurt-based venture capital fund, and other international investors. Particula, an up-and-coming start-up based in Munich, has developed an innovative rating platform that issues ratings for tokenised assets similarly to conventional rating agencies.
In addition to the Frankfurt venture capitalist, Plug & Play from Sunnyvale, California, and Hatcher+, a Singapore-based venture capital firm known for its data-driven approach to creating globally diversified portfolios, have also invested in Particula. Other investors who have recognised the company's potential include Vanagon Ventures, the Blockchain Founders Group, Asia Pacific Investment Partners, and various business angels.
Financial institutions and leading companies are increasingly turning to tokenised assets and expanding their capabilities in this area to attract new customer groups, improve liquidity and trading of traditional assets and reduce costs. With its rating platform, Particula closes the information gap in this still early market and provides clear guidance for investors.
Originally emerging from the Blockchain Founders Group incubator, Particula has already attracted well-known DAX companies and banks. The capital provided by Futury Capital will be used to further drive the growth of the young start-up.
Benjamin Krahmer, Managing Director of Futury Capital, explains the investment decision as follows: "We see great market potential; many banks and industry-leading companies are already looking strongly at the market and are increasingly extending their involvement. The reduction of regulatory hurdles and the simultaneous development of guidelines are fuelling the efforts of European banks and companies to intensify this involvement even more. As a first mover for the rating of tokenised assets, Particula is ideally positioned to shape the market. We are impressed by the maturity of the young but dynamic founding team and the company's progress in just one year since its foundation."
About Futury Capital:
Futury Capital is an early and growth stage investor focussing on tech start-ups in Germany and worldwide. The investment portfolio favours globally scalable business models in a variety of industries. Through its LP structure with the State of Hesse, family offices, institutional investors and multinational corporations, Futury Capital supports the portfolio strategically and operationally to help build exceptional companies.
About Particula:
Particula is a Munich-based start-up specialising in the rating of tokenised real assets. To make the market for digital assets more transparent and understandable for professional investors, Particula analyses tokenised assets based on economic, environmental, compliance and technological criteria. Through this comprehensive assessment, Particula enables investors to make informed decisions and contributes to developing a trustworthy and sustainable market for digital assets.
Industrial 3D specialist Threedy Secures $10.4 Million in Latest Series A Investment Round
Threedy is a high-tech start-up founded in 2020 as a spin-off from Fraunhofer´s Institute for Computer Graphics Research (IGD) in Darmstadt, Germany. Three remarkably successful years after its foundation, Threedy has secured a $10.4 million investment to accelerate growth across industries and regions. New investors comprise LBBW Venture Capital, TRUMPF VENTURE, Futury Capital and EquityPitcher Ventures. The investment underlines Threedy´s strong position to capture a substantial market share of the fast-growing industrial twin space.
Threedy' s instant3Dhub is a high-performance spatial computing technology, enabling customer 3D data, any compositions, and its visualization at scale. By making data available and accessible in real-time on any device, at any time, it allows for the optimization of a multitude of digital processes all along the industrial value chain and a significant reduction in associated costs. Implementing instant3Dhub enables companies to save valuable time and resources, e.g. by eliminating waiting times, reducing license and infrastructure costs. Threedy allows its customers to establish a modern software architecture which reduces dependency on the monolithic and closed stacks of incumbent software vendors and opens the door to the agile development and scalable roll-out of a modern lightweight application layer. With a wide range of features for digital engineering, advanced collaboration, and seamless Mixed Reality, Threedy’ s software provides a strong foundation for industrial digital transformation.
Working with 3D data becomes as simple as sharing a link, simply by referencing it from arbitrary sources e.g., existing PDM/PLM solutions, and without any preparation or simplification efforts. Threedy’ s technology enables new, scalable applications over the entire product life cycle, from engineering to after sales - web-based and with zero-footprint on the client. By streamlining their 3D data utilization and communication, companies can also reduce their ecological footprint: business travel can be largely replaced by virtual exchanges, saving resources and time.
Over the first three years, Threedy successfully transformed from a Fraunhofer department to an independent company. Since its foundation in late 2020, Threedy has experienced significant growth, almost tripling its staff to build up a team of more than 50 highly skilled professionals from around the world. The company has not only maintained its strong customer relationships, but also experienced remarkable growth, especially in the Automotive and Manufacturing sectors. Threedy' s cutting-edge technology is valued by numerous industry leaders, including the top-tier German car Manufacturers. Furthermore, Threedy has successfully broadened its network of partnerships, expanding beyond the initial focus areas of Automotive and the German market.
With a substantial $10.4M Series A investment, Threedy is now ready for the next step, backed by the new investors LBBW Venture Capital, TRUMPF VENTURE, Futury Capital, and EquityPitcher Ventures. Existing investors Matterwave Ventures, Fraunhofer and High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) renewed their commitment by participating in the Series A investment.
Threedy will continue its commitment to the commercialization of its innovative spatial computing infrastructure, accelerating the adoption across industries and application scenarios. The investment will further enable Threedy to drive the evolution of its product portfolio. Threedy’s expansion plans include further internationalization, while remaining dedicated to excellence and innovation, and making a lasting impact in serving their partners’ digital transformation. Threedy is now actively looking for new people in different roles to join its team, individuals who want to shape the future of the industrial digital twin space.
Patrick Herlinger (Investment Manager, LBBW Venture Capital): „Threedy caught our immediate interest with their cutting-edge technology and enormous growth potential. Their advanced spatial computing platform matches our investment strategy to support groundbreaking digital innovations that transform the backbone of key industries in the DACH area such as manufacturing or automotive. Threedy’ s instant3Dhub empowers companies to effortlessly access their most valuable assets – 3D Data – in real-time, on any device, at any given moment. We are excited to lead this investment and support Threedy’ s great team on their future journey.”
Jens Ortgiese (Principal, TRUMPF VENTURE): “Threedy has successfully built a strong customer network of leading automotive and manufacturing companies for its revolutionary spatial computing technology, demonstrating the potential to become a market leader. As one of Threedy’ s most esteemed customers, TRUMPF builds on instant3Dhub to support Field Service workers with 3D visualization. We are more than excited to support Threedy' s next growth step with our investment.”
Benjamin Krahmer (Managing Director, Futury Capital) states: “We are excited about the opportunity to support the Hessian deep tech company Threedy in a strong investor consortium to drive the digitalization of manufacturing enterprises globally.”
Sascha Horrig (Founding Partner, EquityPitcher Ventures): “Innovative organizations from the DACH region always catch our immediate interest. With its revolutionary spatial computing approach, Threedy aligns perfectly with our investment thesis. We firmly believe in the immense potential of the company and are eager to support their journey.”
Existing investors, Robert Gallenberger (Founding Partner at Matterwave Ventures), Gregor Haidl (Principal at High-Tech Gründerfonds) and Markus Weitzel (Investment Manager at Fraunhofer Venture) state: “We remain committed to supporting Threedy. Over the last three years since its foundation, Threedy showed a remarkable success story, transitioning from a start-up and Fraunhofer spin-off to an established company. With already more than 50 employees, a growing customer base, valuable partnerships, and increasing application scenarios, we are excited to contribute to Threedy’ s next growth step.”
Tvarit extends Series A to €6.5m
Tvarit extends Series A to €6.5m
TVARIT, a Frankfurt-based AI & Deep Tech start-up which helps metal companies reduce manufacturing scrap and energy losses, has secured €6.5 million in a Series A round led by Momenta and Futury Capital, with 4impact capital, an impact-led SFDR article 9 fund joining the round in order to further elevate the sustainability agenda within the business. Existing investor Matterwave Ventures, an industrial deep-tech tech fund, also participated in this round with significant reinvestment.
Metal manufacturing accounts for about 10% of global CO₂ emissions. So far, manufacturing companies have voluntarily taken on sustainability projects to reduce emissions. Nevertheless, the industry has struggled to move significantly toward net-zero carbon emissions. Governments have stepped up the pressure and are now swiftly moving towards stricter regulation, especially in major economies like the EU and the U.S. Clearly, sustainability is imperative in the industry. According to BCG, AI could be the climate and sustainability game-changer the industry desperately needs.
Founded in 2019 by Suhas Patel and Rahul Prajapat, TVARIT targets metal manufacturing processes with its pioneering hybrid AI solutions to reduce waste, energy consumption, and GHG emissions.
TVARIT's innovative solution combines metallurgical domain expertise, heuristic knowledge, and leading Industrial AI expertise to provide the most precise recommendations that elevate process efficiency to eliminate what was traditionally considered inevitable waste. TVARIT has achieved 50% reductions in scrap and 18% reductions in energy consumption for customers in the metal industry, helping customers increase profitability while also materially reducing their carbon footprint.
Suhas Patel, the Co-Founder & CEO of TVARIT, reflecting on the recent funding round, said, "I firmly believe that TVARIT's commitment to achieving zero-waste manufacturing is not just a vision; it's a reality. Our partnership with 4impact is a testament to our dedication to sustainability in the industry."
Rahul Prajapat, the Co-Founder and CTO of TVARIT, shared his thoughts on the recent funding round, expressing, "This investment not only reinforces TVARIT's position as a leader in revolutionizing metal manufacturing through AI, but also strengthens our stability and growth potential in the industry. We are excited to collaborate with 4impact to further drive our mission of achieving zero-waste manufacturing and making a lasting impact on sustainability."
TVARIT is currently operating in nine countries across five continents, and with 4impact's investment, it aims to further drive internationalization.
According to 4impact Partner, Kate Mullord, “TVARIT is a classic example of bringing smart technology to a complex problem to enhance human decision-making for the better of our planet. Metals manufacturing processes are enormously complex, taking into account hundreds of variables. With TVARIT's smart AI application, customers can achieve their full potential by optimizing for minimal scrap and energy use, which also drives profit margins. We are very impressed by the team’s expertise, drive and focus, and also delighted to partner with their existing bench of highly experienced investors. We look forward to supporting TVARIT on its exciting journey!”
TVARIT's mission to transform metal manufacturing through AI aligns seamlessly with global sustainability efforts, and its partnership with 4impact capital represents a significant step toward achieving these goals. AI is proving to be a powerful catalyst for change in manufacturing, transcending boundaries and promoting a more sustainable and efficient future for the industry.
Futury Transformation Fund: 100 Millionen Euro für eine nachhaltigere Wirtschaft
Futury Transformation Fund:
100 Millionen Euro für eine nachhaltigere Wirtschaft
Frankfurt, 10. Oktober 2023. Die in Frankfurt ansässige Futury Capital GmbH wird in diesem Jahr mit dem Fundraising für einen neuen Fonds starten. Der Futury Transformation Fund soll ab 2024 bis zu 100 Millionen Euro für innovative Geschäftsmodelle bereitstellen, die sich dem nachhaltigen, insbesondere dem 1,5°C-konformen Wirtschaften verschrieben haben. Investiert werden soll primär in Startups, die im Einklang mit den Pariser Klimazielen die wirtschaftliche Transformation in Bereichen des Klimaschutzes, der Kreislaufwirtschaft, der Mobilität, sowie der Ernährung und dem Immobiliensegment technologisch vorantreiben. Geplant sind rund 20 Investments in Europa in den frühen Phasen bis hin zur Wachstumsfinanzierung.
Die Mittel sollen über das breite Netzwerk des Futury-Ökosystems eingeworben werden: bei vermögenden Privatpersonen (Family Offices), Industrieunternehmen, Stiftungen und institutionellen Investoren wie Versicherungen und Pensionskassen. Auch das Land Hessen, welches bereits die ersten beiden Futury Fonds begleitet, hat angekündigt, sich erneut mit einem nennenswerten Beitrag zu beteiligen.
Krise als Herausforderung und Chance
„Lange Hitzeperioden, Waldbrände im Taunus und Niedrigwasser im Rhein sind nur einige Beispiele für die globale Klimakrise vor unserer Haustür. Sie zeigen die Dringlichkeit, mit einem Innovationsschub einen nachhaltigen Transformationsprozess anzustoßen“, sagt Futury Capital Geschäftsführer Jochen Herdrich. „Gerade Krisen haben oftmals in der Geschichte der Menschheit als positiver Evolutionskatalysator gewirkt. Auch die jetzigen Herausforderungen, zu denen auch die Erhaltung der Demokratie, mehr Gleichberechtigung, soziale Gesichtspunkte und weitere Themenfelder gehören, bergen für viele Unternehmen enorme Chancen. Mit dem neuen Fonds wollen wir genau solche Transformationsgewinner identifizieren und auf ihrem Weg zum Erfolg begleiten. Nachhaltigkeit und Klimaschutz müssen Treiber für wirtschaftlichen Erfolg werden. In diesem Sinne verstehen wir uns als nachhaltige Ökokapitalisten.“
Land Hessen unterstützt als Transformationsinvestor
Der Futury Transformation Fund folgt auf den im Jahr 2020 gestarteten Futury Regio Growth Fund mit einer Fondsgröße von 60 Millionen Euro und den 2018 gelaunchten Futury Venture Fonds mit einer Größe von 20 Millionen Euro. Der neue Fonds ist so konzipiert, dass er den Anforderungen des Artikel 8 der EU-Offenlegungsverordnung genügt und diese sogar übererfüllt, in dem sich Teile des Portfolios sogar Artikel 9 der EU- Offenlegungsverordnung2 unterwerfen. Fonds, die diesen Standarderfüllen, berücksichtigen besondere ökologische und soziale Aspekte bei der Auswahl der Investments.
Seit der Gründung des ersten Futury-Fonds sind sowohl die Werte-Stiftung als Initiator und Ideengeber sowie das Land Hessen involviert und unterstützen das gesamte Futury-Ökosystem finanziell und ideell nach Kräften. Zum Futury Transformation Fund wird das Land Hessen 5 Millionen Euro beisteuern und die Werte-Stiftung wird sich erstmalig auch an dem Fund selber beteiligen.
„Der Futury Transformation Fund wird dem Startup-Ökosystem in Hessen und ganz Deutschland wichtige Impulse im Hinblick auf Nachhaltigkeits- und Klimaschutzprojekte geben. Deshalb unterstützen wir die Initiative nach besten Kräften“, sagte Tarek Al-Wazir, der Hessische Minister für Wirtschaft, Energie, Verkehr und Wohnen.
„Dieses Projekt hat eine große Vorbildwirkung, weil hier private Investoren und der Staat Hand in Hand gehen und gemeinsam Innovationen für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften vorantreiben. Das Land Hessen beteiligt sich gerne an dem Fonds; neben nationalem wird auch internationales Kapital in die hessische Startup-Szene fließen“, sagte Michael Boddenberg, der Hessische Minister der Finanzen.
Eine neue Partnerin des Futury Transformation Fund ist die Venture-Capital-Gesellschaft Montan-Ventures-Saar GmbH, eine Tochtergesellschaft der Montan-Stiftung-Saar. Über diese Gesellschaft unterstützt die Stiftung u.a. Startups aus den Bereichen Energie, Umweltschutz und Nachhaltigkeit sowie innovative Industrielösungen. „Neben dem spannenden Investment in einen der innovativsten Nachhaltigkeitsfonds freuen wir uns auf den fruchtbaren Austausch mit dem Netzwerk des Futury-Ökosystems“, sagte Stefan Rauber, Vorsitzender des Vorstands der Saarstahl AG.
Schwerpunkt auf 1,5-Grad-Ziel als Grundlage
Die Auswahl der Startups folgt einem strukturierten ESG-Assessment-Prozess, wie er schon in den beiden Vorgängerfonds zum Teilerfolgreich Anwendung fand. Ziel ist es, die Besten der Besten in ihren jeweiligen Bereichen herauszufiltern und mit Kapital sowie strategischem Know-how in ihrer geschäftlichen Entwicklung hin zu einem 1,5°C-konformen und nachhaltigen Unternehmen zu unterstützen. Weitere Schritte des Screeningprozesses sind die von der UNO formulierten Ziele einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung (SDG´s), darunter bezahlbare und saubere Energie, menschenwürdige Arbeit, Wirtschaftswachstum, Innovation und Infrastruktur, weniger Ungleichheiten, nachhaltige Städte und Gemeinden, nachhaltige/r Konsum und Produktion.
Ein Team aus Investment-Experten mit langjähriger Venture-Capital-Erfahrung um Unternehmensgründer Holger Follmann sowie der früheren McKinsey- Beraterin Simone Riebel-Adam als ESG-Expertin und dem Impact-Investment-Spezialisten Jochen Herdrich werden den neuen Fondsmanagen. Mit Jürgen Zabel und Benjamin Krahmer gehören dem Futury Capital-Team auch zwei Geschäftsführer der ersten beiden Fonds an.
Für eine wissenschaftsbasierte Bewertung nach dem 1,5°C-Ziel sorgt eine Kooperation zwischen dem an der ESMT Berlin angedockten Future Institute for Sustainable Transformation und dem Frankfurter Climate-Tech Unternehmen right° based on science GmbH, einem weltweiten Pionier im Bereich Klimawirkungsmessung. Der Impact von Investments wird mit greifbaren °C-Kennzahlen beschrieben, die insbesondere für Laien einen ganz neuen Zugang zum Impact Investing ermöglichen. Die Kooperation mit right° wurde unter anderem auch eingegangen, weil das Unternehmen an der Integration von Biodiversität in den eigenen Ansatz arbeitet. Der Futury Transformation Fund ist damit der erste Fund weltweit, der wissenschaftsbasierte °C-Kennzahlen für die Messung und das Steuern von Impact nutzt.
Top-Experten als Sparringspartner
Fonds und Team werden kontinuierlich beraten von führenden Nachhaltigkeits- und Venture-Capital-Experten, wie dem Pionier in der Klimafolgenforschung Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström, der Frauenrechtsaktivistin und Publizistin Zainab Salbi, dem international renommierten Biologen und Naturschützer Dr. Christof Schenck, der anerkannten Forscherin für Entwicklungs- und Arbeitsökonomie Prof. Dr. Raji Jayaraman, und dem Gründungspartner des Venture-Capital-Investors Headline, Andreas Haug.
Aufgelegt wird der neue Fonds vom Frühphasen- und Wachstumsinvestor Futury Capital GmbH. Das Unternehmen unterstützt seit der Gründung ambitionierte Gründer bei der Beschleunigung des Wachstums ihrer Unternehmen und begleitet sie auf ihrem Weg zu globalen Marktführern. Durch ihr exzellentes Netzwerk bietet Futury Capital den Unternehmen bestmögliche strategische und operative Unterstützung.
Futury und Werte-Stiftung – Erfolg durch Vernetzung
Gemeinsam mit der Werte-Stiftung hat die Futury Gruppe ein breites Netzwerk von führenden Vertretern aus Wirtschaft, Sport, Wissenschaft und Politik geschaffen. Dieses Netzwerk fördert Talente aus der ganzen Welt, unterstützt junge Entrepreneure und bringt innovative und nachhaltige Geschäftsmodelle in Deutschland und international voran. Ein Großteil des Erfolgs resultiert aus dem engen Austausch zwischen den beteiligten Partnern aus Industrie, Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik.
Die Werte-Stiftung wurde im Jahr 2005 ins Leben gerufen und engagiert sich in drei Handlungsfeldern: Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Sport. Unter dem Motto „Werte stärken. Menschen fördern. Ideen schaffen. “ist das Ziel der Stiftungsarbeit, eine Gesellschaft zu fördern, in der Werte fest verankert sind. Die Stiftung tritt für sozialen Zusammenhalt sowie Chancengleichheit ein und fördert Wertevorbilder aus Sport und Wirtschaft.
Zum Ökosystem gehört auch die Futury GmbH. Diese seit 2016 bestehende Innovations- und Gründungsplattform vernetzt unternehmerische Talente und junge Start-Ups mit Marktführern, um gemeinsam innovative und nachhaltige Geschäftsmodelle voranzutreiben. Hauptaugenmerk ist das Flaggschiff-Programm THE MISSION, das wertschöpfungskettenübergreifend Partner und Start-Ups zu drei verschiedenen Themen (Food, Waste, und Construction) versammelt, um in drei Monaten neue Prototypen für den Markt zu entwickeln.
Als dritter Pfeiler im Ökosystem hilft das FutureInstitute for Sustainable Transformation (FutureIST), ein Joint Venture mit der ESMT, Berlin, jungen Firmen und etablierten Unternehmen mit wissenschaftlicher Kompetenz und Bildungs-Know-how bei der Umsetzung ihrer nachhaltigen Geschäftsmodelle. Gerade erst wurde hier auch die Frankfurter Erklärung rund um den Weltnaturgipfel 2022 unterzeichnet.
Berlin-based Start-up RYDES Raises 3.5 Million to Bring Pioneering Corporate Mobility Platform from Europe to the US
Berlin 24.04.2023. Berlin based corporate mobility budget platform RYDES has announced a EUR 3.5 million seed round led by leading venture capitalists from the US and Europe with a specialized focus on mobility, Assembly Ventures and Rethink Ventures, in participation with Futury Capital and business angel Jens Krüger, Chief Product Architect at Workday. Existing investors include Lufthansa Group, Forward31, the company builder of Porsche Digital, and Arabella Venture Capital, as well as additional angel investors. RYDES will use the new funding to further develop its mobility platform and expand into international markets outside of Germany.
RYDES simplifies corporate mobility management, saving time, effort and cost for companies
The effects of the covid pandemic and heightened awareness of climate change implications are catalyzing a global shift in the way people get around. An increasing number of employees are opting for flexible, individual, and sustainable mobility budgets instead of traditional company cars. Europe is leading the way when it comes to multi-modal mobility for employees and European governments are helping to speed adoption through subsidizing rail and public transport for employees and their employers respectively. Berlin based startup RYDES is tackling this opportunity with the first all-in-one mobility budget platform for employees offering seamless access to any kind of transportation. With RYDES, companies provide their teams with a monthly budget they can use flexibly via the RYDES app instead of having to pay in advance and submit the costs for ride hailing, car subscriptions or public transport individually. Thanks to the fully automated integration into the company’s own HR, payroll and tax systems, firms save administrative effort, time and money. Employees, on the other hand, can choose at any time how they want to get to their destination: with shared mobility, public transport, rented bikes or cars, or with fuel or charge cards for their own cars. Additionally, RYDES is the only provider on the market that automatically offsets the resulting carbon footprint for companies via certified climate protection projects.
Europe is paving the way when it comes to multi-modal mobility for employees
"If you're seeking to attract and keep driven talent, you will need to offer attractive and flexible mobility solutions. RYDES is the first Corporate mobility budget platform to meet these requirements. We offer full-spectrum bandwidth of services, from shared mobility to renting or leasing bikes and cars, fuel and charge cards, and public transport. The completion of our seed funding round is a major step on our mission towards becoming the go-to destination for all employee mobility needs, and providing businesses with an attractive, straightforward platform solution," says René Braun, co-founder and CEO of RYDES.
“Across Europe, governments are taking steps to promote multi-modal mobility and incentivize its use, including providing subsidies for both employees and employers to utilize rail and public transport. The lessons learned here will be of great importance to other regions in the coming years,” said Jessica Robinson, Partner at Assembly Ventures. “RYDES is tackling this opportunity with an extremely smart approach that integrates different offerings for multi modal use cases via their integration with corporate HR systems. Their ability to capture detailed mobility, tax, and carbon footprint reporting data in real time, and provide optimized mobility options of individuals, is a game changer,” Robinson continued.
RYDES is the first mobility platform enabling companies to set up and manage their employees' entire mobility budget with only a few clicks. Fully automated integration with corporate HR, payroll and tax systems makes enrollments and payments fast and reports effortless. This saves paperwork, a lot of time and money. Startups, midsize companies, and corporates rely on RYDES for their employee mobility concepts. RYDES is backed by Lufthansa Group, Forward31, the company building arm of Porsche Digital, Assembly Ventures, Rethink Ventures, Futury Capital, Arabella Venture Capital as well as renowned business angels. RYDES was founded in the Lufthansa Innovation Hub. The corporate mobility platform provides access to all types of mobility worldwide: ride hailing, mobility sharing providers, all public transport providers, bike leasing and car subscriptions as well as fuel and charge cards.
Tvarit has closed its funding round, led by Momenta and Futury Capital, to enable AI-powered, waste-free, and energy-efficient metal manufacturing.
Tvarit raises €5m to drive net-zero metal manufacturing
Tvarit has closed its funding round, led by Momenta and Futury Capital, to enable AI-powered, waste-free, and energy-efficient metal manufacturing. The round also included a significant re-investment by existing investor Matterwave Ventures.
Frankfurt, 14.04.2023. Tvarit, a Frankfurt-based startup, is on a journey to enable zero-waste manufacturing. The World Economic Forum estimates that industrial waste accounts for half of all waste generated globally. Manufacturing is the largest and fastest-growing contributor to this waste stream, with an estimated 20% of every dollar spent on manufacturing producing waste. Tvarit estimates that the metals industry loses €160 billion annually.
Focusing on the metal manufacturing processes such as casting, hot forming, welding etc, Tvarit offers a hybrid AI solution, first of its kind, that combines deep metal processing domain knowledge with data-driven AI to provide continuous, accurate prescriptions and actionable insights to help the machine operators achieve higher productivity.
Founded in 2019 by Suhas Patel and Rahul Prajapat, Tvarit Industrial AI can reduce manufacturing quality defects (scrap) by 50% and reduce energy costs by up to 30%. These savings are very significant for the metal industry as their profit margins are only 5–8%, so with Tvarit’s help profit margins can be significantly increased. Furthermore, since metal manufacturing processes are quite energy-intensive, customers are not only able to improve their profit margins but also significantly reduce their carbon footprint.
Suhas Patel, Founder and CEO at Tvarit:
“Metal manufacturing shop floors are very complex." In state-of-the-art machines, there are 2.4 trillion possible combinations to optimise process parameters — no human can be sure of finding the optimum. "AI is the only way to eliminate waste on the shop floor.”
Ken Foster, Executive Director at lead investor Momenta:
“Manufacturers in Europe are dealing with the dual challenges of the energy transition and carbon neutral goals." Tvarit’s AI tools enable them to do both, driving precision manufacturing techniques to help maintain their global competitive advantage. Momenta is proud to lead the investment round in a company that is driving such "Industry 5.0" outcomes.
According to Tvarit’s founders, Momenta’s strategic network, value creation expertise, and deep experience gained over three decades of investing in rapidly growing digital industry companies will accelerate Tvarit's journey to make metal manufacturing zero-waste and more sustainable.
Benjamin Krahmer, Managing Partner at Futury Capital:
“We have been fortunate enough to invest with our early-stage fund in Tvarit`s early days. With Tvarit´s recent significant growth, its superior AI, and its deep industry know-how, we are excited to further invest with our Growth Fund, enabling Tvarit to accelerate even stronger.”
Robert Gallenberger, Partner at Matterwave Ventures:
“We are excited to welcome sector specialist Momenta and the growth fund of Futury Capital to the shareholder group. Our strong follow-on investment demonstrates our commitment to support Tvarit on its journey to build the future of metal manufacturing.”
This investment will accelerate Tvarit’s technology development and global presence.
Freiburg-based greentech Recyda receives €1.75 million investment to further develop its innovative software for the packaging industry
Freiburg-based greentech Recyda receives €1.75 million investment to further develop its innovative software for the packaging industry
Freiburg, 29 March 2023. Recyda has received €1.75 million from a recently closed new funding round to further develop its SaaS solution. The software assists multinational companies by offering an all-in-one solution to digitally manage their packaging portfolios and contribute to circular economy targets.
Recyda specialises in the software-supported evaluation of the recyclability of packaging and is now being strengthened with fresh capital. The new financing round of the startup, founded by Vivian Loftin, Anna Zießow and Christian Knobloch, is led by an investor consortium consisting of the lead investor Speedinvest, the existing investor Futury Capital from the pre-seed round 2021, the Auxxo Female Catalyst Fund and renowned business angels such as Dr Stephan Rohr (TWAICE), Benedikt Franke (Helpling Group) and Martin Weber (one • fıve). Recyda intends to use the capital to focus on expanding into international markets, acquiring new customers and product development.
"This funding round is a real milestone for us," says Vivian Loftin, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Recyda. "We are pleased that several investors from different sectors directly recognise the added innovative value of our software and want to bring our product and our vision forward with their investment."
New solution for current challenges
Recyda offers a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution with which companies can digitally manage packaging data and carry out evaluations. A core component of the solution is the digital assessment of the recyclability of packaging based on international regulations. The all-in-one solution enables companies to efficiently compare packaging solutions and make the best choice for their specific needs. Recyda's software enables detailed evaluations of, for example but not limited to, the prevailing recycling infrastructure, the applicable Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) fees and related options for eco-modulation or the plastic tax. Through the long-term management and optimisation of packaging, Recyda offers companies from a wide range of sectors, like the Fast Moving Consumer Goods, the opportunity to pursue and achieve their Circular Economy goals in an innovative and efficient way.
Well-known customers are already convinced by Recyda's innovative solution, such as Beiersdorf, who have been working with the start-up since the beginning of 2022. Recyda's software supports the group in assessing the recyclability of packaging and optimising it internationally for all packaging types and brands. Eva Bredehorst, Global Packaging Sustainability Manager at Beiersdorf, explains: "Recyda's Software as a Service solution helps to identify the most recyclable solution as early as the packaging development stage, and also to map existing large packaging portfolios and output digital analyses and reports on their optimisation within seconds. This makes a significant contribution to remain competitive in a rapidly changing market environment with a multitude of different legal requirements."
High pressure on the packaging industry
It is not only the EU Commission's recent draft legislation for a new EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation that poses major challenges for the packaging industry. Other legal and financial requirements are also putting the packaging industry under increasing international pressure to design packaging in such a way that it is recyclable. Due to country-specific differences, however, this is very time-consuming. Currently, brand manufacturers, retail chains and packaging producers themselves must keep track of the situation and monitor changes.
"We know the current challenges of the packaging industry very well and the numerous difficulties that companies are currently facing. With this knowledge, we have developed a software solution that specifically supports the implementation of sustainable packaging solution requirements for different markets and significantly optimises reporting obligations. With our software, we want to contribute to a sustainable future in which resources are used sensibly and valuable materials are kept in the cycle," says Christian Knobloch, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Recyda.
Internationalisation and product development: the next phase is upon us
Recyda's solution is aimed at internationally positioned packaging manufacturers, brand owners as well as retailers and in particular supports them in the areas of packaging R&D, master data management and financial forecasting. With the seed investment, the start-up can rapidly expand its market presence and further develop the product.
"Behind our software are not only first-class investors, but also an incredible amount of know-how and drive in software development. With the new capital, we can bring more talent on board to implement new ideas and customer wishes," Anna Zießow, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Recyda, is pleased to say. "You shouldn't lose sight of Recyda, because we will be introducing exciting innovations to our software in the coming months."
Cashlink expands leading position of its FinTech infrastructure with seven-digit Series A
Cashlink expands leading position of its FinTech infrastructure with seven-digit Series A
Frankfurt, 16.03.2023. Cashlink, the Frankfurt-based FinTech behind the leading infrastructure for tokenized assets, has successfully closed a Series A funding round in the mid-seven-figure range.
New investors on board include Swiss venture capitalist TX Ventures, as well as Futury Capital, Beteiligungs-Managementgesellschaft Hessen and several business angels. In addition, existing investors Carsten Maschmeyer’s seed + speed, Panta Rhei, C3 Venture Capital and DEWB participated in the financing round. At the end of last year, invested in Cashlink via security token issuance.
Cashlink provides the leading infrastructure for asset tokenization, enabling the fully digital issuance of securities. Numerous financial institutions, such as Bankhaus Scheich and the asset manager LAIQON, as well as FinTechs, like the sustainable investment platform WiWin, rely on the solutions of the Frankfurt-based pioneer. In addition to the technical infrastructure, Cashlink also covers all necessary regulatory requirements. In November 2021, Cashlink was one of the first companies to receive provisional permission to register crypto securities from the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).
Cashlink plans to use the investment to strengthen its growth. In particular, the fresh capital will be used to expand the product suite related to the registry management of crypto securities.
Michael Duttlinger, co-founder and CEO of Cashlink, says: “The introduction of crypto securities in Germany is a major growth driver for Cashlink. In particular, the extension of the Electronic Securities Act to equities, which is planned for this year, will provide further momentum. I am pleased that the investment has provided us with a solid financial foundation for our continued growth in this area.”
Krzysztof Bialkowski, Managing Partner of TX Ventures, says: “We strongly believe that asset tokenization will revolutionize the securities market as it offers clear benefits such as higher liquidity, faster settlement, lower costs and can appeal to a broader audience. Cashlink, with its highly professional team and impressive regulatory expertise, is very well positioned to address this market and become a leader in tokenization in Europe. We are very much looking forward to working together and supporting the team on its growth path.”
Benjamin Krahmer, Managing Director at Futury Capital adds, “We were impressed by Cashlink’s technological positioning in the fast-growing digital securities market, its existing client relationships and its close cooperation with relevant authorities in a highly regulated market. We look forward to working with the experienced Cashlink team.”
The Rainforest Company raises €36m
The Rainforest Company raises €36 million in funding to grow into Europe’s leading foodtech company
Berlin, 16.12.2022. The Rainforest Company (TRC), one of Europe's fastest, profitable growing food tech companies pioneering in sustainable and healthy foods, has successfully raised €36 million in its last fundraising round. It is one of this year’s largest funding rounds in the foodtech sector in Germany and the largest round for a female founded and led foodtech company in Europe. The round was led by UK-based family office Kaltroco, and included further investments from Futury Capital, Corecam, Green Generation Fund and other renowned investors.
Since its inception in 2016 and the involvement of Katjes Greenfood in 2018, TRC has grown rapidly. The company's vegan products based on the açai berry are now available in seven countries and in over 12,000 POS. Through a cooperation with local farmers, the focus is on the preservation of the rainforest and the development of sustainable, resource- and environmentally-friendly agriculture.
Following this rapid growth, the company is focusing now on internationalization and product expansion, investing in its global reach and product portfolio with even more emphasis on the health use of its vegan and nutritious ingredients from the Amazon region. The funds allow TRC to invest into its operations, people, product, marketing and finance infrastructure, helping the company to scale the business internationally.
"The new capital will allow us to continue to scale internationally and invest in our product offerings. We have great investors, a growing and equally great team. Our entrepreneurial understanding is to contribute - in dialogue with politics, society and business - to align our framework more closely with the guiding principle of sustainability," says CEO and founder, Albana Rama.
"It is with great pleasure that we invest in The Rainforest Company because we believe in entrepreneurial success with the approach of "innovation through science". We are proud to support The Rainforest Company in the next step of its growth phase," says Cornou Rykaart of Kaltroco.
Wingcopter raises another $42m
Futury Capital keeps backing Wingcopter in latest $42M funding round
Weiterstadt, Germany, 21 June 2022 – Wingcopter, the German delivery drone manufacturer and service provider, today announced that it has raised $42 million from renowned financial and strategic investors. The new funding is part of a Series A extension round, tripling the company’s total equity raise to more than $60 million to date. Leading German retailer REWE Group as well as German investors Salvia and XAI technologies came on board as new shareholders. They were joined by Japanese conglomerate ITOCHU and previous backers Futury Capital from Germany and Silicon Valley-based Xplorer Capital.
REWE Group as one of Germany’s largest grocery retailers with 12,000 stores across Europe is an ideal addition to Wingcopter’s investor base and a clear sign that Wingcopter’s future will expand beyond medical drone delivery services. Salvia, with an investment focus on disruptive technologies, is known for its early investment in German biotech champion BioNTech and will actively support Wingcopter’s growth path with its longstanding company building expertise. XAI technologies, founded by machine vision pioneer Enis Ersü, will add additional value thanks to the team’s deep knowledge and experience in the fields of sensor technology and industrial automation. Listed in the Fortune Global 500 index, ITOCHU is one of Japan’s largest trading companies and will open new doors to the promising Japanese market.
With the fresh funding, Wingcopter will be able to further expand its drone delivery services globally and ramp up production of the world’s most efficient eVTOL delivery drone, the Wingcopter 198. Wingcopter has been experiencing a continuously growing demand for its new unmanned aircraft system and has already sold most production slots for this and next year. Wingcopter’s production facility in Germany is designed to manufacture thousands of Wingcopter drones per year and will soon start with partly automated production work, significantly speeding up the production process.
Moreover, Wingcopter plans to use the capital injection to accelerate the firm’s R&D efforts with regards to new product features and to hire 80 new employees across all departments within the next months. The new capital raise comes shortly after the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) had approved the Airworthiness Criteria for the Wingcopter 198, which marked a critical milestone in the U.S. Type Certification Process of the company’s flagship aircraft.
“At Wingcopter, we create efficient and sustainable drone solutions to save and improve lives. For this, we are hiring passionate pioneers with whom we build what has not existed before,” said Tom Plümmer, Co-founder and CEO of Wingcopter. “The new funding, combined with growing revenues, puts us in an excellent position to establish our industry-leading drone delivery solution with our customers around the globe to optimize supply chains.”
Christoph Eltze, Executive Board member Digital, Customer & Analytics and IT at REWE Group, adds: "REWE Group is one of the most innovative companies in German retail. For years, we have relied on strong partnerships with innovation leaders, especially in emerging trends. With Wingcopter, we have found such a new partner."
"With its disruptive technology and highly motivated team, Wingcopter has the potential to become a frontrunner in the drone delivery space. In the face of global challenges such as climate change, innovative companies such as Wingcopter are needed to lead an industry like logistics into a sustainable, more efficient future. We are pleased to accompany this success story from now on as an investor and sparring partner," adds Helmut Jeggle, Founder & Managing Partner of Salvia.
„We are excited to join the Wingcopter team on their way to the next growth milestones as a leader in drone delivery logistics,” explains Enis Ersü, Managing Owner of XAI technologies and former CEO of ISRA VISION. “Being an investor and a technology partner at the same time our team at XAI technologies is very much looking forward to generating further business potential by integrating advanced key technologies and operational excellence together with the management.”
Drone Delivery has gained enormous momentum in the last years, with more and more enterprises and administrations understanding the potential of fast and environmentally friendly on-demand deliveries through autonomous cargo drones. This is perfectly underscored by Wingcopter’s recent partnership agreement with Continental Drones that aims to deploy 12,000 Wingcopter drones over the next years to deliver much-needed goods throughout sub-Saharan Africa by building a new layer of infrastructure in the sky. Other Authorized Partners that act as strong local operators or distributors in their respective geographies include ITOCHU in Japan and Synerjet in Latin America, which both became investors in Wingcopter in addition to signing the partnership agreements.
In Malawi, where the company has been active since 2019, Wingcopter will expand its network operations with new Wingcopter 198 drones and more hubs, transporting various medical goods -- including emergency medicines and COVID vaccines -- to remote health centers, in line with the company’s goal to save and improve the lives of people all over the world.
Futury Capital doubles down on TVARIT
Deep Tech startup TVARIT successfully raised €2.8 million funding
Frankfurt, May 24, 2022 - The Frankfurt-based AI startup TVARIT, successfully closed a €2.8 million funding round. Last week TVARIT was awarded at #1 place with the DIGITAL FUTUREcongress Start-Up-Award 2022. Futury Capital had already identified TVARIT in 2019 at an early stage and accompanied its remarkable development. With the entry of the btov Industrial Technologies Fund (led by Matterwave Ventures, the former btov Industrial Technologies team) and BM H from Wiesbadan, TVARIT is positioning itself for future growth on a global scale.
TVARIT has developed one of the most advanced Industrial AI technologies for sustainable and zero-waste manufacturing. With the Deep Tech products and prescriptive AI, manufacturing companies not only receive preemptive signals, but also recommended actions to optimize production processes. This leads to a significant reduction in direct costs such as scrap and indirect costs such as resource-wastage and CO2 emissions.
TVARIT’s unique prescriptive engine has patented "Hybrid AI" technology, which combines shopfloor physics with state-of-the-art Deep Learning technology. Hybrid AI significantly reduces implementation time to 4 weeks with almost 100% prediction accuracy. It’s like having automatic cruise control in a car, because you now have radar with human like intelligence, it prevents the avoidable crashes.
In recent months, TVARIT has constantly achieved great results in reducing scrap and energy for its manufacturing clients, which has further fueled TVARIT’s organic revenue growth. Among others, the company succeeded in winning MAXION, one of the largest automotive wheel manufacturers in the world, as a customer and became its sole AI partner for their world-wide implementation, due to its outstanding performance in reducing production scrap and optimizing energy.
Founders Suhas Patel and Rahul Prajapat have already raised capital in various investment rounds since its inception in 2019. In addition to Futury Capital, who is again participating in the recent funding round, various business angels had already invested in TVARIT. To meet the increasing demand, TVARIT has already hired a chief growth officer, product developers, data scientists, and additional business development and sales staff.
In addition to expanding the technology, the new capital will primarily be used to expand the technical and sales team to meet the high customer demand and further scale the company. Apart from metal processing, other process industries such as the food industry are to be developed in the future.
Suhas Patel - TVARIT
"TVARIT's vision is to drive the world towards sustainable and zero-waste manufacturing. To fulfil the vision, a company requires experienced external guidance. During our 2.5 years of journey with Futury, we received excellent support not only in connecting to the clients but also guiding us in contractual matters. The call-me-anytime help from Benjamin Krahmer and Michael Singer helped us accelerate our decisions in critical situations. Matterwave Ventures leverages vast industrial software experience from a large number of previous investments in the space . Robert Gallenberger and Victor Szabo have been very genuine in approach during the financing round. I’m also very grateful for the valuable support of Sebastian Schnell from BM H, especially during the COVID-19 crisis, before investing in TVARIT. With the diverse background from investors and highly qualified internal team, Tvarit is well prepared to disrupt the metal processing industry towards zero-waste"
Robert Gallenberger - Matterwave Ventures, the former btov Industrial Technologies team
"We have been looking for and analyzing young technology companies in the field of process optimization through advanced AI approaches to conserve resources and reduce industrial CO2 emissions for several years. Among numerous providers, the team of Tvarit convinced us very quickly. The company differentiates itself with significantly more commercial traction, deeper process understanding, and an overall far superior value proposition for industrial customers."
Benjamin Krahmer - Futury Capital:
"TVARIT's team and technology impressed us from the start; the completed global roll-out of the product to various industrial customers, is a tremendous milestone and illustrates the growth potential. We look forward to working with Matterwave Ventures and BM H as the company continues to grow."
Sebastian Schnell - BM H:
"Cost reduction and environmental protection will and must rapidly gain importance in almost all industries. We see significant growth potential and are happy to continue supporting TVARIT as it scales."
TVARIT is a Deep Tech SaaS company specialized in the creation of digital assistants based on its "TVARIT Industrial Artificial Intelligence" (TiA). TiA provides prescriptive analytics to shopfloor engineers to reduce wastage of resources (4M - Man, Machine, Material and Money).
The team consists of over 40+ highly qualified engineers and experienced data scientists. We combine extensive industry experience with academic research and development - driven by a passion for technology & innovation.
TVARIT's customers include world-renowned manufacturing companies in the metal industry such as Maxion Wheels, Kamax, KSM, and Schunk Group. What they particularly appreciate about working with us is our high level of flexibility and personal commitment, our unique innovativeness, and the really quick ROI.
For more information, visit
About Matterwave Ventures,
btov Industrial Technologies is a VC fund managed by the former btov Industrial Technologies – now Matterwave Ventures – team, and is focused on European early-stage industrial hardware and software companies, empowering them to become global leaders. The focus lies on solutions that shape the future of industrial value creation, driven by software and hardware innovation – from materials to components to systems to software. The team supports portfolio companies with a genuine interest in their products, deep market knowledge, strong industry connections, and unparalleled investment experience in the sector.
With a fund size of EUR 100m btov Industrial Technologies typically participates in Seed and Series A investment rounds across Europe with initial investments between EUR 1-3m. Including follow-on financing rounds, up to EUR 10m per portfolio company can be invested.
For further information please visit
About BM H
Beteiligungs-Managementgesellschaft Hessen mbH ("BMH"), headquartered in Wiesbaden, was founded in 2001 and is an entirely owned subsidiary of Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen Girozentrale (Helaba). Through Wirtschafts- und Infrastrukturbank Hessen (WIBank), BMH Hessen is actively involved in the economic development activities of the State of Hesse. As a medium-sized investment and venture capital company, BMH bundles public investment interests and financing instruments for early-stage, growth, and medium-sized companies in Hesse. secures Series A funding receives €3.5 million for digital practice assistant of the future
Berlin, May 16th 2022 – Berlin-based has successfully closed a €3.5 million financing round. Munich-based impact investor BonVenture, IBB Ventures from Berlin and Futury Capital's venture fund from Frankfurt participated in the round.
The AI health-tech company has developed the digital practice assistant "Aaron". It takes calls from patients when the practice team is unavailable and handles them automatically. Using artificial intelligence, the technology bridges the gap between the growing medical staff shortage and the aging society. As a solution that can be booked online in a few clicks, addresses this staff shortage by making artificial intelligence easily accessible.
More than 2.000 physicians already use the AI-powered employee "Aaron" to automatically take calls, prioritize them and therefore relieve staff in the medical field. Recently, the AI employee also relieved Germany’s health offices by answering inquiries regarding Covid-19 in cooperation with the German Federal Ministry of Health and the Institute for Public Health at the Charité University in Berlin.
In addition to advancing the product, the capital will primarily be invested in employees: "If you want to work on a more sustainable healthcare system for the next decades, you've come to the right place," says co-founder Richard von Schaewen. "Many positions in sales, research & development and customer support are waiting to be filled with inspiring people who want to contribute to a better healthcare system for everyone”.
Paul Garte, Investment Manager at BonVenture, the first impact investor in Germany, emphasizes: "We are convinced that Aaron makes a very important contribution to better patient care - on the one hand by improving the accessibility of doctors and on the other hand by relieving medical staff."
Christian Seegers, Investment Director at IBB Ventures, explains, "'s smart telephone assistant improves doctor-patient communication, relieves the burden on medical staff and saves patients unnecessary waiting time in a telephone loop. We were immediately impressed by the product's scope of services and are convinced that Aaron, with its experienced team of founders, is ideally positioned to benefit from the ongoing digitalization in the healthcare market."
Benjamin Krahmer, Managing Director of Futury Capital, added: "We consider AI-based business models to be very attractive, as AI is increasingly finding its way into everyday life. Aaron has succeeded in developing a scalable solution that is already simplifying the lives of doctors and patients and making them more efficient. We look forward to working with the founding team as they continue to grow."
About provides an AI-powered practice assistant called Aaron that takes the burden off medical practices and helps patients handle their concerns via the phone 24/7. More than 2.000 physicians already use the technology daily to avoid missing calls and emergencies, quickly prioritizing inquiries and reducing the burden on the practice team. The AI health tech company was founded in 2015 by Tobias Wagenführer, Richard von Schaewen and Iwan Lappo-Danilewski and is based in Berlin.
About BonVenture
BonVenture was founded in 2003 to provide social venture capital to companies that have a social or environmental business purpose and thus deliver a measurable social impact. As a partner to social entrepreneurs, BonVenture supports them with capital, know-how and a broad network, provides guidance in the establishment and growth of the organization and thus promotes the development and dissemination of innovative approaches in the social and ecological field. BonVenture was the first to adopt this approach in German-speaking countries, is the first officially registered manager for European Social Funds (EuSEF) in Europe, currently manages capital of around 83 million euros and has supported more than 50 social enterprises to date.
About Futury Capital
Futury Capital is an early-stage and growth investor focused on tech startups in Germany and globally. The investment universe covers multiple industries such as technology, software, consumer internet, artificial intelligence, fintech and more, helping companies accelerate their growth on their way to becoming global market leaders. Through its LP structure of the State of Hesse, family offices, German SMEs and multinational corporations, Futury Capital supports its portfolio companies both strategically and operationally in building them into exceptional companies.
About IBB Ventures
IBB Ventures has been providing venture capital to innovative Berlin-based companies since 1997 and has established itself as the market leader in early-stage financing in Berlin. The funds are primarily used for the development and market launch of innovative products or services as well as for business concepts in the creative industries. Currently, two funds with a total volume of 122 million euros are in the investment phase. Both VC funds are financed by funds from Investitionsbank Berlin (IBB) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), administered by the State of Berlin. IBB Ventures has already invested in more than 260 Berlin-based creative and technology companies; in consortia with partners, the startups received more than €1.7 billion, of which IBB Ventures invested more than €250 million as lead, co-lead or co-investor. IBB Ventures is the umbrella brand for the VC activities of IBB Beteiligungsgesellschaft.
U23 European decathlon champion secures pre-seed funding
U23 European decathlon champion secures pre-seed funding:
Frankfurt am Main, 04. April 2022 –Tech start-up Preventio, developer of the first software solution to reliably predict building damages, receives €1.35 million in a pre-seed funding round. Preventio's predictive maintenance platform uses artificial intelligence (AI) to forecast the risk of building damages.
The round is led by Futury Capital, an early-stage and growth investor focusing on tech start-ups. In addition, Andreas Haug, founder and general partner of the venture capital firm Headline, BMH Beteiligungs-Managementgesellschaft Hessen and prominent angel investors such as Christoph Benner, Marcus Laube and Alexander Jörger participated in the round.
Building damages, in particular tap water damages, leading to billions in damage costs and considerable water loss annually. These damages are one of the main cost drivers for the building sector and are expected to increase as many properties age. Preventio's solution supports insurance companies, housing associations and pipe manufacturers in identifying risks and reducing damages. The capital raised will be used to expand the research and development team and further enhance the predictive maintenance platform to transform the AI-based prototype into a scalable software-as-a-Service (SaaS) application.
From a university research project into a tech start-up
Founded by three fellow students, Andreas Bechmann, Bledion Vladi and Frederic Büdel, Preventiostarted in 2021 as a research project at accadis University of Applied Sciences Bad Homburg incollaboration with companies from across the industry. At the beginning of 2022, Peter Yves Rulandjoined the team as Co-Founder and CTO, who brings 20 years of experience from Microsoft and hasalready accompanied several tech start-ups in their development.
Sensorless approach makes Preventio’s solution unique
Unlike other providers, which rely predominantly on expensive sensors, Preventio's AI solution can predict the probability of tap water damages by analysing various data points from historical damages. This eliminates the need to install sensors, allowing market participants to operate more efficiently and cost-effectively.
Preventio has already established a large data pool from various recognized industry partners, including Viega and Vonovia, continuously expanding and enriching with further relevant data. This data pool is the basis for more accurate and reliable damage predictions and allows better recommendations for the respective market players.
Industry insiders support Preventio’s approach
The Preventio innovation is already receiving considerable support in the real estate industry: „The approach contributes to the sustainable maintenance and value preservation of the building and the well-being of the residents. We are pleased to be a pilot partner of Preventio and support the start-up in this phase", explains Konstantina Kanellopoulos, Co-CEO of Deutsche Wohnen and Executive Vice President Value-Add at Vonovia.
„Water damages are among the highest repair claims in residential and commercial buildings. So far, there hasn’t been an opportunity to predict a potential failure in a piping system; only an actual failure could be registered. The data-driven solution allows us to analyze water use in buildings, forecast potential pipe failures, and work together with our contractors to create new revenue streams andavoid loss of rental income/usage and high repair costs for building owners”, says Christian Geisthof, VP Corporate Development at Viega LLC, the leading pipe manufacturer worldwide.
Preventio is „Sporthilfe Start-up of the Year 2021“
In 2021, Preventio was named "Sporthilfe Startup of the Year" by Deutsche Sporthilfe, Deutsche Kreditbank (DKB) and the Werte-Stiftung. One of the founders, Andreas Bechmann, is the U23 European decathlon champion and a track and field athlete for Eintracht Frankfurt. „We congratulate our scholarship holder Andreas Bechmann and his team on the successful financing round. The fact that and how he manages to implement his sports successes in business is highly impressive and the ideal example for Sporthilfe support," says Christian Seifert, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Sporthilfe and long-time Managing Director of the DFL German Football League.
„This pre-seed round is a strong vote of confidence from investors for the potential of our solution. We share the vision, to empower industries by redefining predictive maintenance through creating intelligent systems based on understanding, analysing, and presenting data,” share Andreas Bechmann and Peter Yves Ruland, Managing Directors of Preventio.
„Water damages due to pipe leaks cost insurance and other companies billions of euros annually. Preventio is the only predictive maintenance player on the market who is tackling the problem of residential water damage with a purely data-driven approach. Within just one year, the team has developed from a university project into a tech start-up with a clear strategy and major names fromthe industry as pilot customers”, says Shahin Dashti, Investment Manager at Futury Capital.
„Preventio pursues an innovative approach with the developed predictive maintenance technology to manage a complex problem such as building damages. I am convinced that the team’s strategic approach to cooperate with established companies from the real estate ecosystem is forward-looking and mutually beneficial. This way, Preventio's partners can realize significant cost reductions and optimize existing business processes", says Headline founder Andreas Haug, who is also a personal mentor of the founder and CEO of Preventio, Andreas Bechmann.
Barbara Spitzenberg, the responsible investment manager at BMH, says: „Preventio addresses an enormously large target market in the area of damage prediction with its AI-based technology developed in Hesse. The founding team is entrepreneurially experienced, has an extensive network, and fully convinced us with a solid business plan. We see enormous potential here, so BMH is happy to support Preventio in its planned growth steps with capital and know-how".
Preventio plans to expand its core team and create additional jobs in Frankfurt. Data scientists and software developers are particularly sought for this purpose.
About Preventio
Founded in 2021 and headquartered in Frankfurt, Preventio develops AI-based software solutions to predict and prevent building damages. With the vision: Predicting the World. Together, Preventio believes that the risk of building damages can be reduced drastically with the technologies available. As a fellow of the Impact Factory, a private grant supporting social and sustainable start-ups, Preventio pursues the UN Sustainable Development Goals 3, 9 and 11 by contributing to sustainable solutions for cities and industry and reducing waste of resources, especially water.
About Futury Capital
Futury Capital is an early- and growth-stage investor focusing on tech start-ups in Germany and worldwide. The investment universe covers multiple industries such as technology, software,consumer internet, artificial intelligence, adtech, fintech and more, supporting companies to accelerate their growth and entrepreneurs to become global leaders. Through the LP structure fromthe state of Hesse, Family Offices, German SMEs, and multinational corporates, Futury Capital supports its portfolio companies both strategically and operationally to build exceptional companies.
About BMH Hessen
BMH Beteiligungs-Managementgesellschaft Hessen mbH ("BMH"), based in Wiesbaden, was foundedin 2001 and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen Girozentrale (Helaba).Through Wirtschafts- und Infrastrukturbank Hessen (WIBank), BMH is actively involved in the economic development of the State of Hesse. As a medium-sized investment and venture capital company, BMH bundles public investment interests and financing instruments for early-stage, growth, and medium-sized companies in Hesse. BMH currently manages seven investment funds with around 125 million euros invested investment volume. Since its foundation, BMH has invested over 250 million euros in a total of more than 500 companies. Investment focuses include the software & IT, life sciences, mechanical and plant engineering, industrial goods, professional services, and e-commerce sectors. More information about BMH and its funds:
Job Post: Intern - Venture Capital
Through our two funds, we invest in German and international tech companies in seed and growth stage and help to accelerate their (inter-)national growth. Together with our LPs, consisting of the state of Hesse, family offices, German medium-sized companies, and multi-national corporations, we support our portfolio companies both strategically and operationally.
Are you enthusiastic about tech startups and enjoy working independently in a highly motivated and dedicated team? Do you represent the values of the Futury Capital Family? Then you are exactly right with us! Starting in June 2022 for four to six months, we are looking for:
Intern (m/f/d) in “Venture Capital”
We offer:
• Flat hierarchies with room for your own ideas in a dynamic, committed, and motivated work environment
• Active participation in the investment process and portfolio management
• Direct involvement in operational tasks
• Working in a unique environment consisting of Futury, Werte-Stiftung and FUTURE Institute for Sustainable Transformation, among others
Your Tasks:
• Supporting the investment team in the research and analysis of startups as well as preparation of documents for investment reviews based on business plans
• Analysis of relevant markets and support in the technology review process
• Assisting in managing of our deal flow
• Participation in meetings with founders
• Support in the creation of reportings and presentations for our limited partners
Your Requirements:
• Fluent in English and German
• Empathic and down-to-earth behavior in line with our core values
• Team player while being ambitious as well as a quick learner
• Strong level of self-motivation and high willingness to learn
• Strong conceptual skills paired with creativity
• Very good analytical and communication skills
• Attention to detail while managing multiple tasks simultaneously
• Student in at least the 5th semester of business/economics with exceptional academic achievements
• Ideally first experience at a startup, VC, strategy consulting or investment banking
• Excellent knowledge of MS-Office (Power Point & Excel)
Please apply with your CV and motivation letter at
Futury Capital führt die Finanzierungsrunde von THING TECHNOLOGIES an
Thing Technologies sammelt 7,5 Millionen Euro Wachstumskapital ein
Das Technologieunternehmen THING TECHNOLOGIES hat eine Finanzierungsrunde in Höhe von 7,5 Millionen Euro abgeschlossen. Mit der Software Thing-it stellt das Unternehmen eine Smart Real Estate Operations Platform für ein ganzheitliches Gebäude- und Quartiersmanagement. Fünf Jahre nach Gründung des Unternehmens setzen bereits 12,5 Prozent der DAX-Konzerne die Software ein. Insgesamt läuft die Software in 20 Ländern über den Globus verteilt.
Mit dem eingesammelten Wachstumskapital wird das Unternehmen die Verbreitung der Smart Real Estate Platform im Markt weiter vorantreiben. „Wir bauen unsere Marktführerschaft konsequent aus. Dazu führen wir 2022 weitere Features ein, mit denen Asset Manager, Corporate Real Estate Manager und Facility Manager die mit dem Gebäude assoziierten ESG-Parameter sehen, überwachen und steuern können“, erklärt Gründer und CEO Dr. Marc Gille. Zusätzlich soll das Teamkräftig wachsen. Das Unternehmen will 2022 über 30 neue Arbeitsplätze schaffen.
Futury Capital führt die Finanzierungsrunde an
Als Leadinvestor engagiert sich Futury Capital aus Frankfurt am Main. Der auf Tech-Unternehmen spezialisierte Investor wird den Wachstumskurs von THING TECHNOLOGIES über Netzwerk und Know-How unterstützen.
Mit rund einem Drittel der Summe beteiligen sich die Bestandsinvestoren PropTech1 Ventures aus Berlin und Anyon aus Eschborn. Beide Investoren fungieren als langfristig engagierte Ankerinvestoren und begleiten das junge Unternehmen bereits seit 2019 und 2017.
Erstmalig steigt die Beteiligungs-Managementgesellschaft Hessen (BMH) als Investor ein. Die landeseigene Investmentgesellschaft des Landes Hessens agiert so als Wirtschaftsförderer des Landes und unterstützt innovative Unternehmen aus Hessen.
Die Investoren, allen voran Futury Capital, sind von dem Produkt überzeugt. Shahin Dashti, Investment Manager bei Futury Capital betont, dass die Technologie von Thing-it weiter über den Standard aktueller Buchungs-Apps hinausgeht: „Das starke, integrative, skalierbare, Enterprise-Grade Backend: die Thing-it Plattform, ist in ihrer technischen Tiefe einmalig. Wir freuen uns, das THING TECHNOLOGIES Team in Zukunft auf ihrer Mission, Gebäude intelligenter und effizienter zu gestalten, zu unterstützen“, sagt Shahin Dashti.
Jürgen Zabel, Managing Director bei Futury Capital ergänzt: „Das sehr erfahrene Management-Team und die Nutzung der Thing-it Lösung durch internationale Blue-Chip Konzerne haben uns überzeugt."
Pionier mit großem Potenzial
Auf eine Premiere ist CEO und Gründer von THING TECHNOLOGIES Dr. Marc Gille besonders stolz. Das Unternehmen hat den Mitarbeitern die Möglichkeit angeboten, sich im Rahmen der Finanzierungsrunde zu beteiligen. „Wir haben das Angebot völlig unverbindlich unterbreitet, wohlwissend, dass auch niemand hätte investieren wollen“, sagt Dr. Marc Gille und führt fort, „dass jetzt rund 60 Prozent der Mitarbeiter die Möglichkeit genutzt haben, ist überwältigend!“ Dr. Marc Gille und sein Co-Founder Klaus Berberich werten das hohe Engagement ihrer Mitarbeiter als einen sehr starken Vertrauensbeweis in das Produkt, das Team und das Potential von THING TECHNOLOGIES.
Benjamin Krahmer, Managing Director bei Futury Capital schließt ab: „Wir heißen das Thing-it Team herzlichen willkommen bei uns und freuen uns auf die gemeinsame Reise."
The Germany-based startup Recyda raises its first institutional funding with Futury Capital
Recyda secures seed funding from Futury Capital
The Germany-based startup Recyda raises its first institutional funding with Futury Capital to accelerate its business. With the entire Futury Ecosystem behind them, the team developed their idea, prototyped their solution and now calls multiple big players in the consumer goods industry their clients.
The environmental impact of waste is significant with massive volumes being produced around the world and only a vanishingly small share that is (or can be) recycled. To fight the flood of packaging waste, Recyda developed a RECYclability DAtabase that centralizes information on the most important parameters for packaging recyclability at an international level.
Recyda helps companies along the packaging value chain assessing the recyclability of consumer goods packaging solutions. Specifically, the software tool consolidates research on country-specific recyclability to embed it into a web application with a comprehensive database and advanced packaging management features. By visualizing how changes in the packaging specifications affect recyclability, the tool allows brand owners, retailers, and packaging producers to align with country-specific requirements and optimize their impact to contribute to the circular economy.
The three minds behind Recyda came together in September 2019 at ‘The Mission’, a large-scale initiative that was launched by Futury, Deutsche Bank, Bain & Company, Handelsblatt Media Group and PreZero to connect entrepreneurial talents and corporate partners to innovate together. The first Mission ‘Waste – Be Circular!’ brought together 11 leading companies from the entire food industry value chain as well as 20 young talents from around the globe to jointly fight plastic waste. For the three-month innovation program, Christian Knobloch, Anna Zießow and Vivian Loftin had been matched as a team to develop a world map for recycling envisioned by Huhtamaki as one of the program partners. Coming from different backgrounds in technology, business, environmental sciences and international communication, the team members complemented each other and built a high-performing team with the shared vision to reduce waste: “With this amazing team, we can achieve anything”, says Christian Knobloch.
At Futury, the team benefited from an extensive network with market leaders and experts from the field to decisively build a solution and found their own business. After ‘The Mission’, the team spun off and managed to become self-funded through successful pilot projects and the validation of their first MVP together with Schwarz Group, Huhtamaki, and Schur Flexibles. “We still feel the spirit and drive that the Futury Team gave us, and we continue bringing the same energy into our team. This journey will help us to take the next steps and achieve even greater things together”, reflects Vivian Loftin. In the end of 2020, the team launched their MVP – their customer base is growing, and the team constantly works on developing their SaaS tool further while recruiting their first working students and full-time employee directly from the Futury network.
With Futury Capital, Recyda raised its first external capital after frequent exchanges over the last two years. “We have known Recyda from the beginning, and it has been great to see the team’s progress after ‘The Mission’ as well as corporate partners from the pilot phase turning into their first paying customers. As first institutional investor, we are excited to now support the team even closer and grow their business together”, says Benjamin Krahmer, Managing Director at Futury Capital. “At Futury, we can support young entrepreneurs all along their way, from forming an idea to accelerating a business. We are proud to see Recyda’s development during the last two years, enforcing their business and becoming an active part of our network by mentoring and inspiring our new teams“, adds Charlie Müller, Founder and Managing Director at Futury.
The story of Recyda accentuates the importance of a strong team, an innovation-driven mindset, cross-sector solutions and the continuous support of an ecosystem. “I am happy to carry on growing and turning ambitious ideas into reality. Now, we can make the next important step to achieve the world’s circular economy goals”, concludes Anna Zießow.
Tech startup seedtrace launches a digital platform to turn supply chain transparency into the norm
Tech startup seedtrace launches a digitalplatform to turn supply chain transparency into the norm
Led by CEOs Katharina Elisa Davids and Ana Selina Haberbosch, the Berlin based startup seedtrace aims at turning supply chain transparency into the norm by providing a platform that makes the social and ecological impact of consumer products both provable and visible to consumers. The Software as a Service (SaaS) company allows businesses to show the journey of their products from origin to point of sale by mapping all steps along the supply chain.
The startup recently closed its seed funding round, led by Futury VC along with angel investor Antoine Welter, SaaS Sales Expert Julius Göllner and 6 other investors including blockchain specialists and industry experts. The new funds will be used for the expansion of seedtrace’s ecosystem and the implementation of project-based supply chain tracing through blockchain technology.
“Purchasing behavior of end consumers for products within the food, cosmetics and fashion industry is increasingly driven by socio-ecological factors. The seedtrace platform offers the user transparency throughout the whole value chain of each listed product in terms of sustainability standards” says Shahin Dashti, Investment Manager of Futury VC.
A digital platform that makes supply chain transparencyunderstandable, provable and visible
“When I worked with farms across Africa to build fair andvdirect trade opportunities, I realized how complex and yet unique everyproduct’s value chain is. From wild-growing practices to outgrower schemes and cooperatives at a large scale, the locals I met are doing an incredible job in uplifting communities and creating quality products. Although consumers increasingly care, we usually know little to nothing about the social and ecological impact of our consumer choices.” says seedtrace CEO Katharina Elisa Davids.
Through the seedtrace platform, businesses can make specific impact claims about themselves, individual products or certain steps along the supply chain. These include claims like “fair payments'', “100% recycled packaging” or “carbon neutral" which can then be confirmed either through a global network of NGOs and certifiers or by processes and financial transactions stored on the blockchain. Businesses can use the seedtrace platform to track their impact internally and simultaneously tell a compelling story to their customers with a QR code on their packaging, using a webshop integration and on social media. The platform also collects product-specific feedback and generates valuable consumer insights.
Supply chain transparency increasingly dominates consumer demand
According to a recent KPMG study, 72% of consumers in Germany buy more sustainable products in the supermarket compared to a few years ago, and 69% would pay up to 10% morefor these products. However, 55% of consumers are unsure which option is the most sustainable one.* At the same time, the pressure on businesses is increasing; poor working conditions in developing countries, child labor, exploitation, low wages and enormous environmental pollution along complex global supply chains remain a major issue that sparked recent discussions on the Supply Chain Act.
“The only way to bridge the gap between product origin and consumers, is to turn supply chain transparency into a unique selling proposition. Building both trust and an emotional connection on product level enables brands to increase customer loyalty and willingness to pay. At seedtrace, we believe in a reality where all actors along the chain work and scale together.” says seedtrace CEO Ana Selina Haberbosch
Proving impact from seed to shelf through Blockchain Technology
Putting the verification of fair payments into practise, seedtrace engages in a long-term partnership with Koa, an impact-focused international cocoa pulp supplier. Koa and seedtrace prove fair payments to every single smallholder on their cocoa farms in Ghana, many of whom live in remote areas with no internet or electricity. Every transaction is approved through a three-leveled process and irrevocably stored on an open blockchain. That way, proven impact becomes visible both for collaborators along the chainas well as consumers.
“We are pleased to be leading the financing round of seedtrace to shape together the world of value chain transparency”, says Benjamin Krahmer, Managing Director of Futury VC.
The seedtrace GmbH was founded in June 2020 in Berlin by Katharina Elisa Davids, Ana Selina Haberbosch, Jonathan Mandt and Florian Fischer.
DEMECAN is about to establish a subsidiary in Hesse
DEMECAN, Germany’s only independent producer of medical cannabis, has closed another multi-million Euro financing round. The investment will be used for further growth as well as the expansion of the production facility, located near Dresden, into Europe's most modern facility for the cultivation and processing of medicinal cannabis.
The investment in the upper single-digit million range comes from private and institutional investors, among whom is new investor Futury Fund as well as existing shareholders, including the btov Private Investor Network.
"It is DEMECAN’s mission to guarantee the nationwide supply of high-quality medical cannabis for the benefit of patients in Germany. Therefore, we not only focus on the cultivation of medical cannabis but are also active in the field of R&D to develop new and innovative dosage forms," explains Dr. Adrian Fischer, physician, co-founder, and CEO of DEMECAN.
This financing round is an important step for DEMECAN in its rapid growth trajectory since being selected as a supplier of medical cannabis for the Federal Republic of Germany in 2019. In addition to product development and distribution, strategic objectives include collaborations with research-based pharmaceutical companies and the coordination and strengthening of operational pharmaceutical distribution.
To implement the corporate strategy, the DEMECAN Group intends to establish a subsidiary in the state of Hessen. The immediate proximity to pharmaceutical companies is critical as is cooperation with smaller cannabis companies in the region. The aim is to establish a dedicated medical cannabis research cluster, where knowledge of medical cannabis is combined with experience from large-scale pharmaceutical production. This will further enable DEMECAN to grow and conduct research more rapidly.
"DEMECAN has been able to establish itself early on as a leader in the medical cannabis market and we are convinced that it is positioned to take a leading role in Europe as well," said Benjamin Krahmer, Managing Director of Futury.
FRGF supports Apiax with their expansion to Germany
FRGF invests in cooperation with the partner VC, XAnge and other business angels into Apiax, a Swiss RegTech company that provides its customers from the financial industry with a regulatory cockpit that legal and compliance teams can use to manage, review and apply new regulations.
The technology is based on machine learning and, as a cloud application, is independent of any infrastructure. The financing round will be used to drive forward the expansion of activities in Germany and here in particular in Hesse, the opening of a branch in Frankfurt am Main and the financing of ongoing operations.
"Banks, insurance companies and generally any kind of financial institution are facing ever increasing compliance and regulatory requirements. Requirements are becoming more complex, rules are changing, global networking is leading to mandatory compliance with different country regulations. As a result, significant cost positions within compliance and regulatory departments have been built up in recent years, with an upward trend. Apiax offers with its SaaS solution a comprehensive software for various regulatory processes and obligations thus enables a faster, more cost-effective and efficient handling of compliance issues“, said Benjamin Krahmer, Managing Director at FRGF.
Das Land Hessen sowie führende Unternehmen und Investoren gründen Wachstumsfonds für stark wachsende technologieorientierte Unternehmen
Das Land Hessen gründet in Kooperation mit renommierten Unternehmen aus Hessen und Deutschland sowie weiteren Investoren den Futury Regio Growth Fonds. Mit dem Fonds möchten die Beteiligten vor allem technologieorientierte Unternehmen in späteren Phasen unterstützen und zugleich Hessen als Innovations- und Entwicklungsstandort fördern. Den Fonds hatten die Regierungspartner im Hessischen Koalitionsvertrag verankert. Bereits Ende 2020 haben die Fondsaktivitäten begonnen.
Mit den Investments in einer Größenordnung von zwei bis acht Millionen Euro sollen Unternehmen und Geschäftsmodelle unterstützt werden, die innovative Lösungen und Produkte in zukunftsweisenden Technologiebereichen bieten und zugleich global orientiert sind. Dazu gehören u.a. die Bereiche Künstliche Intelligenz, Fin-Tech, Internet, Software sowie Mobilität und Logistik.
Bereits 2018 hatte das Land Hessen gemeinsam mit privaten Investoren den Futury Venture Fonds aufgelegt, der in Wachstumsunternehmen aus Hessen und Deutschland in der frühen Phase investiert. Aus Sicht des Landes ist die erneute Zusammenarbeit von öffentlicher Hand und Privatwirtschaft bei diesem größeren und weiter gefassten Fonds der natürliche nächste Schritt, wie Hessens Finanzminister Michael Boddenberg heute bei der Vorstellung in Frankfurt erläuterte: „Die Bedingungen für Gründer werden in Deutschland immer besser. Doch gerade technologieorientierte Innovationen fordern von Unternehmen große finanzielle Investitionen, für die hier zu Lande oftmals die nötigen Finanzierungsoptionen fehlen. Mit dem Futury Regio Growth Fonds zeigen wir, dass wir moderne Technologien in unserem Land etablieren wollen und deshalb auch das erforderliche Kapital bereitstellen, das für solche Entwicklungen benötigt wird. Land und Private setzen ein starkes, gemeinsames Zeichen und zusammen auf neue Ideen für die Zukunft - made in Hessen. Das ist inmitten der Corona-Krise wichtiger denn je.“
Neben dem Land Hessen haben sich zahlreiche global tätige Unternehmen und private Investoren an dem Fonds beteiligt, viele mit Sitz in Hessen wie die Deutsche Börse, Fresenius, Merck, die Deutsche Bank, ODDO BHF, WISAG und Mainova, aber auch Goldbeck, Dussmann und die ND Group. „Diese enge Kooperation von Politik, Unternehmen und privaten Investoren ist in Deutschland einzigartig“, sagte Wirtschaftsminister Tarek Al-Wazir. „Sie zeigt, dass Hessen ein Standort ist, in den investiert wird und der in- und ausländischen Unternehmen ein attraktives Umfeld für Ansiedlungen bietet. So holen wir nicht nur Kapital, sondern auch internationales Know-how nach Hessen.“
„Als in Hessen angesiedelter, global tätiger Gesundheitskonzern wollen wir immer mehr Menschen auf der ganzen Welt mit immer besserer Medizin versorgen. Unsere Beteiligung an dieser gemeinsamen Initiative passt sehr gut zu diesem Anspruch. Denn Investitionen in Zukunftstechnologien verbessern die Lebensqualität und sind damit auch Grundlage für nachhaltigen wirtschaftlichen Erfolg“, sagte Stephan Sturm, Vorstandsvorsitzender von Fresenius.
„Vor dem Hintergrund des Strukturwandels in der Energiebranche sowie der digitalen Transformation versprechen wir uns als Partner des Fonds wichtige Impulse für neue Geschäftsfelder sowie innovative Lösungen und Produkte für unsere Kunden. Zudem bietet uns der Fonds eine sehr gute Möglichkeit, einen weiteren Beitrag zur Förderung von jungen Unternehmen in Hessen und der regionalen Wirtschaft zu leisten“, erklärt Dr. Constantin H. Alsheimer, Vorstandsvorsitzender von Mainova.
„Bereits seit einigen Jahren unterstützen wir die Start-up-Initiativen der Hessischen Landesregierung und verfolgen eigene Venture-Aktivitäten. Dabei entwickeln wir gezielt junge Unternehmen, die wie wir selbst als Technologieunternehmen im Finanzbereich tätig sind. Beim Futury Fonds engagieren wir uns, weil es sinnvoll ist, in diesem Bereich die Kräfte zu bündeln und den Innovationsstandort nachhaltig zu unterstützen“, sagte der Vorstandsvorsitzende der Deutschen Börse, Dr. Theodor Weimer.
Der Fonds mit Sitz in Frankfurt am Main hat ein Fondsvolumen von 60 Millionen Euro, das zur Hälfte vom Land Hessen finanziert wird, und kooperiert mit dem international tätigen Venture Capital Investor
„Durch die aktive Einbindung unserer Erfahrungen und unseres Netzwerkes in den Futury Regio Growth Fonds können Investments zielgerichtet gebündelt und gemeinsam größere Beteiligungssummen bereitgestellt werden“, erklärt Andreas Haug, Mitgründer und General Partner bei Darüber hinaus ergibt sich durch die globalen Beteiligungen von in den Märkten Deutschland, EU, USA und Asien international eine starke Positionierung des Standortes Hessen und der finanzierten Unternehmen. Ziel ist es, durch die unterschiedlichen Wirkrichtungen der Fonds Synergien zu schaffen und damit weiteres Kapital für die Region anzuziehen sowie internationale Firmen für den Standort Hessen zu begeistern.
Der Futury Regio Growth Fonds hat bereits in den ersten Wochen erfolgreich zwei Beteiligungen getätigt. Zum einen wurde die Wingcopter GmbH, ein Entwickler, Hersteller und Betreiber von unbemannten leistungsfähigen Lieferdrohnen, finanziert – ein global wachsendes Unternehmen aus Weiterstadt in Südhessen. Mit den Mitteln wird Wingcopter seine führende Position in dem stark wachsenden internationalen Markt der drohnenbasierten Logistik ausbauen können. Tom Plümmer, Mitgründer und CEO von Wingcopter, kommentiert: „Wir sind stolz, als eines der ersten Start-ups vom Futury Regio Growth Fonds eine Finanzierung erhalten zu haben. Das Futury-Team ist zudem exzellent vernetzt und kann uns sowohl in Politik als auch Wirtschaft diverse Türen öffnen.“
Das zweite Investment wurde an der Apiax AG, Zürich, getätigt. Apiax ist ein Softwareunternehmen, das im Umfeld Regulatorik und Compliance tätig ist. Apiax bietet Firmen ein digitales regulatorisches Cockpit, mit dem Legal- und Compliance-Teams neue Vorschriften agil verwalten, überprüfen und anwenden können. Geplant ist, in der ersten Stufe eine Niederlassung in Frankfurt am Main zu eröffnen und hier mit dem Aufbau der deutschen Vertriebsorganisation zu starten. Gerade der Standort Frankfurt als das größte europäische Finanzzentrum neben London bietet ausgezeichnete Möglichkeiten zur Skalierung des digitalen Geschäftsmodells.
Auf sind alle weiteren Details zum Wachstumsfonds zu finden.
Über ist ein globaler VC-Fonds mit dem Investment Fokus auf Internet- und Softwareunternehmen in der Früh- und Wachstumsphase. Seit 1998 investiert das Investmentteam aus seinen Fonds in den USA, Europa, Asien und Südamerika.' Portfolio umfasst diverse Global Category Creators wie Acorns, Deposit Solutions, Blinkist, Farfetch, NGINX, Segment und Sonos.
Über Futury Regio Growth Fonds:
Der Futury Regio Growth Fonds unterstützt außergewöhnliche Gründer außergewöhnlicher Unternehmen, indem er in deren zukünftiges Wachstum investiert. Wir investieren in vielversprechende, schnell wachsende Technologieunternehmen in fortgeschrittenen Phasen mit dem Ziel, Weltmarktführer zu schaffen. Wir investieren in internationale Unternehmen, die nach Deutschland expandieren wollen und helfen ihnen, ihr globales Wachstum von Hessen aus zu beschleunigen. Darüber hinaus helfen wir deutschen Unternehmen mit einem Bezug zu Hessen, nationale und internationale Wachstumsstrategien zu entwickeln. Wir unterstützen sie mit Kapital, Know-how und unserem Netzwerk und sind aktive Gesellschafter. Gemeinsam mit den Gründern verfolgen wir ein Ziel: die Entwicklung von globalen Spitzenunternehmen.
Wingcopter raises $22M to advance technology leadership in drone delivery
The German developer, manufacturer and operator of unmanned delivery drones for commercial and humanitarian applications has secured $22 million in Series A funding. The financing round was led by Futury Regio Growth Fund and by Silicon Valley-based Xplorer Capital. In addition, Futury Ventures and Hessen Kapital III participated in this financing round.
Holger Follmann, initiator and Managing Director at FRGF, joins the board of Wingcopter. “The Wingcopter team combines entrepreneurial spirit with superior technology know-how and looks back on an impressive number of worldwide drone projects. This is what it takes to conquer a rapidly growing market such as the international drone market. We are excited to support Wingcopter on its flight towards becoming a global leader in the international drone business and look forward to working together with the team and founders”, says Benjamin Krahmer, Managing Director of Futury Regio Growth Fund and Futury Ventures.
A portion of the new capital is allocated to setting up a partially automated serial production at Wingcopter’s new headquarters in Weiterstadt, Germany. Wingcopter will use the funds to strengthen its leadership in drone-based logistics. At the same time, Wingcopter is well-positioned and ready to establish more partnerships worldwide centering around other fully automated delivery applications.
Tom Plümmer, CEO of Wingcopter, summarizes: “Our team is driven by tackling the world’s challenges through scalable innovations. This chapter of our journey is dedicated to setting up logistical highways in the sky that leapfrog traditional means of transportation. Poor infrastructure has always been a barrier, especially for healthcare provision, impacting billions of lives - a situation further exacerbated by COVID-19. With the support and powerful networks of our investors we are taking a huge step closer to fulfilling our vision of creating efficient and sustainable drone solutions that improve and save lives everywhere.”
Stay tuned for upcoming news.
Leading online service that enables customers to benefit permanently and automatically from favorable electricity and gas tariffs by entering their data only once
Futury Venture as well as the Liechtenstein venture fund SeedX and existing investors Berliner Volksbank Ventures and IBB Beteiligungsgesellschaft are investing millions in the youg Berlin startup, a reminder and optimization service for contracts and insurance (focus: electricity and gas exchange service). The tariff watchdog was founded in 2018 by Daniel Engelbarts and Christian Lang, who had previously built and sold successfully to European media company RTL. “We are delighted to be become part of this success story and look forward to work closely with the highly experienced founders”, said Benjamin Krahmer, Manager of Futury.
Das international tätige Fintech-Unternehmen BITA erhält Kapital von der Futury Venture Beteiligungen Deutschland-Hessen GmbH
Das international tätige Fintech-Unternehmen BITA aus Frankfurt am Main erhält im Rahmen einer Wachstumsfinanzierung Kapital von der Futury Venture Beteiligungen Deutschland-Hessen GmbH. Der Venture Capital Fonds Futury ist eine Investment-Gesellschaft die von privaten Unternehmern, Family Offices und dem Land Hessen gegründet wurde.
Der hessische Wirtschaftsminister Tarek Al-Wazir kommentiert die erste Beteiligung des mit Hilfe des Landes aufgelegten Fonds: „Mit dem Futury Venture Fonds haben wir eine einmalige Kombination aus öffentlichen und privaten Investitionsmitteln geschaffen. Wir wollen damit Gründungsvorhaben und Unternehmen in einer frühen Phase finanzieren, damit junge Talente ihre Ideen undGeschäftsmodelle möglichst hier in Hessen verwirklichen. Ich freue mich sehr, dass der Fonds nun mit dem ersten Investment genau das unterstützt.
“BITA, das von Victor Hugo Gomez geführt wird, ist ein Technologieunternehmen welches durch den Einsatz von Software Effizienz- und Kostenprobleme bei der Erstellung und der Berechnung von Börsenindizes behebt. So verwenden z.B. passive Investmentfonds Indizes, um die Entwicklung der Märkte im Fonds nachzuziehen. BITAs Technologie erlaubt eine Auswertung von relevanten Daten in „real-time“ und ermöglicht zudem eine individuelle und kundenspezifische Erstellung von unterschiedlichen Indizes über eine Vielzahl von Finanzprodukten.
„Wir freuen uns, mit dem Futury Venture Fonds in ein hochgradig attraktives Unternehmen wie BITA investieren zu können. Der Standort Hessen wird nachhaltig von solchen zukunftsweisenden Unternehmen und Investitionen profitieren – genau das unterstützen wir vom Land Hessen gemeinsam mit den privaten Investoren von Futury“ so Jürgen Zabel und Michael Singer, Geschäftsführer Futury Venture.
Victor Gomez, der zuvor jahrelang bei der Deutschen Börse gearbeitet hat, sagt: „Mit dem Einstieg von Futury werden wir unsere Technologien noch schneller ausbauen und unseren internationalen Vertrieb ausbauen. Wir haben uns bewusst für Futury als Partner entschieden – das erfahrene Team, die hohe Expertise sowie das Netzwerk hat uns dazu bewogen, Futury als Partner mit an Bord zu holen“. Benjamin Krahmer, Manager von Futury ergänzt: „BITA hat unser internationales Netzwerk nachhaltig beeindruckt. Die Technologien und Anwendungen von BITA treffen weltweit auf ein enormes Kundenpotential – wir freuen uns auf die Zusammenarbeit mit dem hervorragenden Team“.
BITA mit Sitz in Frankfurt verfügt über ein Entwicklerteam in Argentinien und Venezuela. Mit Kunden aus dem globalen Finanzsektor ist BITA weltweit aktiv. Mit der Wachstumsfinanzierung werden nun Investitionen in Technologien und der Aufbau des Teams ermöglicht. Darüber hinaus wird BITA den Vertrieb ausweiten und in die Bereiche Datengenerierung und Datenanalyse investieren.
Michael Singer
Futury Venture Beteiligungen Deutschland-Hessen GmbH
Paul-Ehrlich-Str. 51
60596 Frankfurt am Main
Büro: +49 69 247 427 351, Mobil: +49 175 5606 756
Das Land Hessen und private Investoren aus ganz Deutschland, vor allem aber aus Hessen, gründen gemeinsam einen Start-Up-Fonds, den „Futury Venture Fonds Deutschland-Hessen“.
Das Land Hessen und private Investoren aus ganz Deutschland, vor allem aber aus Hessen, gründen gemeinsam einen Start-Up-Fonds, den „Futury Venture Fonds Deutschland-Hessen“. Ziel des Fonds ist es, Gründungsvorhaben und Unternehmen in einer frühen Phase zu finanzieren, um vielversprechenden Geschäftsideen zur Verwirklichung zu verhelfen. Das Konzept dahinter ist in Deutschland einzigartig, erläuterte Finanzminister Dr. Thomas Schäfer heute bei der Vorstellung im TechQuartier in Frankfurt: „Die Bündelung von öffentlichem und rein privatem Kapitalermöglicht, deutschlandweit und insbesondere in Hessen in eine Vielzahl junger Unternehmen zu investieren. Öffentliche und private Hand stärken so gemeinschaftlich Deutschland und Hessen als Gründerstandort.“ Das starke Bündnis unterstützt junge Unternehmen mit bis zu 20 Millionen Euro. Dabei stellt das Land einen Beitrag in gleicher Höhe zur Verfügung wie die privaten Investoren; der Maximalbetrag beider Seiten beträgt 10 Millionen Euro. Maximal die Hälfte der in den Fonds eingezahlten Mittel können außerhalb Hessens investiert werden. Das Land Hessen und eine von privaten Investoren gehaltene Gesellschaft werden jeweils zu 50% Gesellschafter des Futury Venture Fonds.
Wirtschaftsminister Tarek Al-Wazir betonte die Bedeutung von Start-Ups und innovativen Geschäftsideen für die hessische Wirtschaft: „Neue Geschäftsmodelle modernisieren die Wirtschaftsstruktur, sie schaffen Arbeitsplätze und bieten den Verbraucherinnen und Verbrauchern neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen.“ Hessen habe alle Voraussetzungen für ein gutes Start-up-Ökosystem: Hervorragende Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen, perfekte Erreichbarkeit und Highspeed Internet-Verbindungen. „Mit dem Futury Venture Fonds wollen wir auch die Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten weiter verbessern, damit junge Talente ihre Ideen und Geschäftsmodelle möglichst hier in Hessen verwirklichen.“ Für das Vorhaben konnten strategisch wichtige Kooperationspartner mit ins Boot geholt werden: Die in Frankfurt ansässige Werte-Stiftung, der Ideengeber des Fonds, festigt durch die Verknüpfung von Wertebildung und Innovationsförderung den Wertekodex von Unternehmerpersönlichkeiten. Die zugehörige Gründer- und Innovationsplattform Futury, die Studierende und Unternehmen zusammenbringt, um nachhaltige Innovationen und Geschäftsmodelle zu kreieren, ermöglicht den direkten Kontakt zu jungen Gründern. Die Beteiligungs-Managementgesellschaft Hessen (BMH), die das öffentliche Beteiligungsgeschäft des Landes Hessen verwaltet, bietet Futury Venture Fonds Zugang zu einem breit gefächerten Netzwerk, darunter die hessischen Hochschulen und Universitäten sowie die Unternehmen in Hessen. Und auch, ein global agierender Venture Capital-Fonds, steht dem Futury Venture Fonds in Person des Mitbegründers Andreas Haug mit seinem großen Erfahrungsschatz zur Seite.
Die privaten Investoren, darunter Dr. Jürgen Heraeus, Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates und Vorsitzender des Gesellschafterausschusses der Heraeus Holding GmbH, Hanau, schätzen das breit gefächerte Netzwerk des Futury Venture Fonds: „Wir brauchen in Hessen noch bessere Startbedingungen für junge Unternehmen, und da setzt der Futury Venture Fonds an – nicht nur finanziell, sondern auch durch die Vermittlung von Wissen und Erfahrung. So können nachhaltige Ideen verwirklicht werden.“ Auch Prof. Dr. Kurt Lauk, Unternehmer aus Baden-Württemberg, ist von der Attraktivität des Fonds wegen dessen Strahlkraft über die hessischen Landesgrenzen hinaus überzeugt und gehört daher wie Jürgen Heraeus zu den Persönlichkeiten, die sich finanziell bei dem Fonds einbringen werden: „Investitionen in gute Ideen und motivierte junge Menschen sind für mich als Unternehmer entscheidend, um die Brücke zwischen der etablierten Wirtschaft und den Unternehmern von morgen zu bauen. Der Fonds bietet eine hervorragende Möglichkeit, in werteorientierte Start-Ups in ganz Deutschland einzusteigen.“
Die Laufzeit des Futury Venture Fonds wird zehn Jahre betragen. Nach den hessischen Schulferien wird der Fonds seinen Betrieb aufnehmen. Schon jetzt sind bereits rund 8 Millionen von privaten Investoren zugesagt worden, aus privater Handkönnen also noch etwa weitere 2 Millionen zugesteuert werden, um die 10 Mio.-Euro Beteiligung des Landes vollständig auszulösen. Die Unternehmensbeteiligungen des Futury Venture Fonds werden mit 100.000 bis 500.000 EUR festgesetzt, in der Regel mit einer Laufzeit von fünf bis sieben Jahren. Über die Beteiligungen entscheidet der Investitionsausschuss des Futury Venture Fonds, den beide Partner – öffentlich und privat – gleichberechtigt bilden. Mit der Geschäftsführung werden Unternehmensberater Michael Singer und BM H-Geschäftsführer Jürgen Zabel betraut.
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60596 Frankfurt am Main
In Dankbarkeit und Gedenken an Thomas Schäfer, Mit-Ideengeber des Futury Regio Growth Fonds und ehemaliger hessischer Finanzminister