Jede gute Idee braucht

We support the newcomers, the architects of the future, the movers & shakers.

We help exceptional founders to build exceptional companies by investing in future growth. We support entrepreneurs to become global leaders in their business.

Futury Capital

Futury Capital invests in promising, high-growth technology companies at any stage.

Through our two funds we invest in German and international tech companies from seedt to growth stage and help them to accelerate their (inter)national growth. We are an active shareholder and support through capital, know-how as well as network.

Together with our LPs, consisting of our anchor investor the State of Hesse, family offices, German mid-sized companies up to major international corporations, we support our portfolio both strategically and operationally. Together with the founders, we pursue one goal: the development of top companies.

Seed VC
Early Stage
Later Stage
Growth Capital
Private Equity
Public Markets

Early Stage & Growth Capital

Futury Capital is an early- and growth-stage investor focusing on tech startups in Germany and worldwide. With our early-stage fund we invest as lead or co-investor up to €500 thousand per round in tech companies in the seed to Series A stage.

With our growth-stage fund we invest as lead or co-investor between €2-8 million per round in tech companies in the Series A to Series C stage. Together with our partner Headline, we can also support significantly larger and international rounds. As such, we support the sustainable development of successful companies. 

Investment Focus

We love globally scalable business models and invest in a wide range of technology companies in both B2B and B2C environments. Our investment universe covers multiple industries, such as technology, software, consumer internet, artificial intelligence, adtech, fintech, eCommerce and more.

Hardware companies with a technology/software component are considered, while companies from sectors such as biotech and chemicals are considered on a limited basis only.

Added Value

Our national and international network, the close cooperation with the global VC fund Headline and the close cooperation of the Werte-Stiftung associated with us and its affiliated companies and entrepreneurs provide access to potential customers, cooperations and strategic partners.

Through the ReAct initiative, we address pressing challenges in the areas of climate, education and innovation and are committed to a positive future. The incubation and innovation platform connects young talents with companies from different industries to collaboratively realize sustainable future projects. 

Our partners:

Our anchor investor:

Together with the founders and the management we develop global champions!


"We deliberately chose Futury Ventures as our partner as their experienced team, high level of expertise, and vast network convinced us from the very beginning.”

Victor Gomez, Founder and CEO BITA

"Futury hat sehr schnell unser Geschäftsmodell durchdrungen und bietet ein beeindruckendes Netzwerk. Wir freuen uns, einen erfahrenen Investor an Bord zu haben.“

Michél Maruhn, Gründer und CEO Roobeo

"We are delighted to work together with Futury – their technology know how and smart money approach will boost our business.”

Suhas Patel, Founder and CEO Tvarit

"We are proud to be one of the first startups to receive funding from Futury Capital's Growth Fund. The team is also excellently networked and can open various doors for us in both politics and business.”

Tom Plümmer, Founder and CEO Wingcopter

"With the excellent support and network of the Futury Capital team, we were able to enter the German market and establish our Frankfurt office. Futury Capital proved to be the ideal partner for our internationalization and growth strategy– we look forward to working with the team.”

Nicolas Blanchard, Co-Founder APIAX

"We are thrilled to welcome Futury Capital's experienced team on our seedtrace journey. We particularly value their professionalism, great network and hands-on approach. Together, we will take transparency and sustainability in complex supply chains to the next level.

Ana Selina Haberbosch, Co-Founder and CEO seedtrace

Unsere Partner



Wir fördern nachhaltige Innovationen. Die Innovationsplattform Futury arbeitet mit talentierten Menschen aus Universitäten zusammen, um neue Ansätze und Geschäftsmodelle zu entwickeln.

Die Projekte werden in Zusammenarbeit mit internationalen Blue Chips wie z.B. Allianz, P&G und WISAG durchgeführt, die Futurys wertorientierten und unternehmerischen Ansatz schätzen. Die teilnehmenden Studententeams profitieren von Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Coachingprozessen und Weiterbildungsprogrammen.

Land Hessen

Land Hessen

Das Land Hessen ist sich der Bedeutung von Existenzgründungen und innovativen Geschäftsideen für die Wirtschaft bewusst und unterstützt den Aufbau neuer Geschäftsmodelle. Diese modernisieren die Wirtschaftsstruktur, schaffen Arbeitsplätze und bieten neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen an.



Wir handeln werteorientiert. Die in Frankfurt am Main ansässige Werte-Stiftung, der Ideengeber des Fonds, festigt durch die Verknüpfung von Wertebildung und Innovationsförderung den Wertekodex von Unternehmerpersönlichkeiten.

Als private, unabhängige Stiftung unterstützt & initiiert die Stiftung deutschlandweit Projekte, die Werte vermitteln oder erlebbar machen. Ausgangspunkt war es, eine Plattform für den Austausch zwischen Spitzensport und Wirtschaft zu schaffen.

Das gemeinsame Fundament ist die Überzeugung, dass Werte die Grundlage für gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt & Chancengleichheit sind.


Benjamin Krahmer

  • More than 15 years of experience with technology investments
  • Management and development of the Fintech segment of one of the largest asset management companies in Germany
  • Management of a venture capital portfolio consisting of approx. 15 technology companies (Family Office/UHNWI)
  • Many years of experience in TMT investment banking, private equity and as entrepreneur

Caterina Hoursch

  • 4 years Office Management at The Cranemere Group
  • 15 years Executive Assistant in international banks
  • 6 years Administrative Assistant in advertising and PR agencies

Holger Follmann

  • Founder and initiator of the Futury Regio Growth Fonds and the Futury Venture Fonds Deutschland Hessen
  • Co-founder of
  • Founder and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Werte-Stiftung
  • Restructuring of EBS University and sale to Germany-wide education group
  • Founder of HF Bank-Consult and sale to Thales

Jürgen Zabel

  • 20 years of experience in the field of private equity and venture capital
  • Initiationand development of variously oriented investment funds
  • Since 2005 Managing Director of BM H Beteiligungs-Managementgesellschaft Hessen mbH and numerous investment funds

Michael Singer

  • 20 years of experience in consulting Start-ups and medium-sized companies
  • 15 years Investment Banking and Corporate Finance
  • Advised more than 100 companies and completed over 50 M&A transactions

Nick Ehrich

  • Experience as a founder, among others, in the healthtech sector
  • Participation in investment projects, M&A, as well as the management of portfolio companies
  • Successful completion of MBA at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management

Silke Leibbrand

  • Several years of experience in the management of small companies
  • Many years of experience, including international experience, in marketing and communications, including many years as an independent entrepreneur

Simone Riebel-Adam

  • More than 20 years of strategy and corporate finance consulting experience (including at PwC and McKinsey), most recently as a partner in a strategy consulting boutique with a focus on capital markets
  • Many years of ESG expertise
  • Multiple years of experience as a business angel with a focus on tech/ESG start-ups Advisory Partners

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Futury Regio Growth Management GmbH

Paul-Ehrlich-Str. 51
60596 Frankfurt am Main
Deutschland 69 247 427 354


Paul-Ehrlich-Str. 51
60596 Frankfurt am Main

+49 69 247 427


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In Dankbarkeit und Gedenken an Thomas Schäfer, Mit-Ideengeber des Futury Regio Growth Fonds und ehemaliger hessischer Finanzminister